astromodels.core.sky_direction module
- class astromodels.core.sky_direction.SkyDirection(ra=None, dec=None, l=None, b=None, equinox='J2000')[source]
This is essentially a wrapper around astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord with a possibility for being serialized and deserialized with YAML.
- property equinox
Returns the equinox for the coordinates.
- Returns:
- fix()[source]
Fix the parameters with the coordinates (either ra,dec or l,b depending on how the class has been instanced)
- free()[source]
Free the parameters with the coordinates (either ra,dec or l,b depending on how the class has been instanced)
- get_dec()[source]
Get Dec. corresponding to the current position (ICRS, J2000)
- Returns:
- get_l()[source]
Get Galactic Longitude (l) corresponding to the current position
- Returns:
Galactic Longitude
- get_ra()[source]
Get R.A. corresponding to the current position (ICRS, J2000)
- Returns:
Right Ascension
- property parameters
Get the dictionary of parameters (either ra,dec or l,b)
- Returns:
dictionary of parameters
- property sky_coord
Return an instance of astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord which can be used to make all transformations supported by it
- Returns: