astromodels.sources package
astromodels.sources.extended_source module
- class astromodels.sources.extended_source.ExtendedSource(source_name, spatial_shape, spectral_shape=None, components=None, polarization=None)[source]
- property free_parameters
Returns a dictionary of free parameters for this source We use the parameter path as the key because it’s guaranteed to be unique, unlike the parameter name.
- Returns:
- get_boundaries()[source]
Returns the boundaries for this extended source
- Returns:
a tuple of tuples ((min. lon, max. lon), (min lat, max lat))
- get_spatially_integrated_flux(energies)[source]
Returns total flux of source at the given energy :param energies: energies (array or float) :return: differential flux at given energy
- property has_free_parameters
Returns True or False whether there is any parameter in this source
- Returns:
- property parameters
Returns a dictionary of all parameters for this source. We use the parameter path as the key because it’s guaranteed to be unique, unlike the parameter name.
- Returns:
- property spatial_shape
A generic name for the spatial shape.
- Returns:
the spatial shape instance
astromodels.sources.particle_source module
- class astromodels.sources.particle_source.ParticleSource(name, distribution_shape=None, components=None)[source]
A source of particles with a certain distribution. This source does not produce any electromagnetic signal, but it is useful if used in conjuction with spectral shapes which need a particle distribution as input, like for example a Synchrotron kernel.
- Parameters:
name – name for the source
distribution_shape – a function describing the energy distribution of the particles
components – a list of SpectralComponents instances
- Returns:
- property free_parameters
Returns a dictionary of free parameters for this source. We use the parameter path as the key because it’s guaranteed to be unique, unlike the parameter name.
- Returns:
- get_flux(energies)[source]
Get the total flux of this particle source at the given energies (summed over the components)
- property parameters
Returns a dictionary of all parameters for this source. We use the parameter path as the key because it’s guaranteed to be unique, unlike the parameter name.
- Returns:
astromodels.sources.point_source module
- class astromodels.sources.point_source.PointSource(source_name: str, ra: float | None = None, dec: float | None = None, spectral_shape: Function1D | None = None, l: float | None = None, b: float | None = None, components=None, sky_position: SkyDirection | None = None, polarization=None)[source]
A point source. You can instance this class in many ways.
with Equatorial position and a function as spectrum (the component will be automatically called ‘main’):
>>> from astromodels import * >>> point_source = PointSource('my_source', 125.6, -75.3, Powerlaw())
with Galactic position and a function as spectrum (the component will be automatically called ‘main’):
>>> point_source = PointSource('my_source', l=15.67, b=80.75, spectral_shape=Powerlaw())
with Equatorial position or Galactic position and a list of spectral components:
>>> c1 = SpectralComponent("component1", Powerlaw()) >>> c2 = SpectralComponent("component2", Powerlaw()) >>> point_source = PointSource("test_source",125.6, -75.3,components=[c1,c2]) Or with Galactic position: >>> point_source = PointSource("test_source",l=15.67, b=80.75,components=[c1,c2])
NOTE: by default the position of the source is fixed (i.e., its positional parameters are fixed)
- Parameters:
source_name – name for the source
ra – Equatorial J2000 Right Ascension (ICRS)
dec – Equatorial J2000 Declination (ICRS)
spectral_shape – a 1d function representing the spectral shape of the source
l – Galactic latitude
b – Galactic longitude
components – list of spectral components (instances of SpectralComponent)
sky_position – an instance of SkyDirection
- Returns:
- property free_parameters: Dict[str, Parameter]
Returns a dictionary of free parameters for this source. We use the parameter path as the key because it’s guaranteed to be unique, unlike the parameter name.
- Returns:
- property has_free_parameters: bool
Returns True or False whether there is any parameter in this source
- Returns:
astromodels.sources.source module
- class astromodels.sources.source.Source(list_of_components: List[Any], src_type: str, spatial_shape=None)[source]
- property components: Dict[str, Any]
Return the dictionary of components
- Returns:
dictionary of components
- property free_parameters: Dict[str, Parameter]
Returns a dictionary of free parameters for this source
- Returns:
- property has_free_parameters: bool
- property source_type: str
Return the type of the source (‘point source’ or ‘extended source’)
- Returns:
type of the source
Module contents
- class astromodels.sources.ExtendedSource(source_name, spatial_shape, spectral_shape=None, components=None, polarization=None)[source]
- property free_parameters
Returns a dictionary of free parameters for this source We use the parameter path as the key because it’s guaranteed to be unique, unlike the parameter name.
- Returns:
- get_boundaries()[source]
Returns the boundaries for this extended source
- Returns:
a tuple of tuples ((min. lon, max. lon), (min lat, max lat))
- get_spatially_integrated_flux(energies)[source]
Returns total flux of source at the given energy :param energies: energies (array or float) :return: differential flux at given energy
- property has_free_parameters
Returns True or False whether there is any parameter in this source
- Returns:
- property parameters
Returns a dictionary of all parameters for this source. We use the parameter path as the key because it’s guaranteed to be unique, unlike the parameter name.
- Returns:
- property spatial_shape
A generic name for the spatial shape.
- Returns:
the spatial shape instance
- class astromodels.sources.ParticleSource(name, distribution_shape=None, components=None)[source]
A source of particles with a certain distribution. This source does not produce any electromagnetic signal, but it is useful if used in conjuction with spectral shapes which need a particle distribution as input, like for example a Synchrotron kernel.
- Parameters:
name – name for the source
distribution_shape – a function describing the energy distribution of the particles
components – a list of SpectralComponents instances
- Returns:
- property free_parameters
Returns a dictionary of free parameters for this source. We use the parameter path as the key because it’s guaranteed to be unique, unlike the parameter name.
- Returns:
- get_flux(energies)[source]
Get the total flux of this particle source at the given energies (summed over the components)
- property parameters
Returns a dictionary of all parameters for this source. We use the parameter path as the key because it’s guaranteed to be unique, unlike the parameter name.
- Returns:
- class astromodels.sources.PointSource(source_name: str, ra: float | None = None, dec: float | None = None, spectral_shape: Function1D | None = None, l: float | None = None, b: float | None = None, components=None, sky_position: SkyDirection | None = None, polarization=None)[source]
A point source. You can instance this class in many ways.
with Equatorial position and a function as spectrum (the component will be automatically called ‘main’):
>>> from astromodels import * >>> point_source = PointSource('my_source', 125.6, -75.3, Powerlaw())
with Galactic position and a function as spectrum (the component will be automatically called ‘main’):
>>> point_source = PointSource('my_source', l=15.67, b=80.75, spectral_shape=Powerlaw())
with Equatorial position or Galactic position and a list of spectral components:
>>> c1 = SpectralComponent("component1", Powerlaw()) >>> c2 = SpectralComponent("component2", Powerlaw()) >>> point_source = PointSource("test_source",125.6, -75.3,components=[c1,c2]) Or with Galactic position: >>> point_source = PointSource("test_source",l=15.67, b=80.75,components=[c1,c2])
NOTE: by default the position of the source is fixed (i.e., its positional parameters are fixed)
- Parameters:
source_name – name for the source
ra – Equatorial J2000 Right Ascension (ICRS)
dec – Equatorial J2000 Declination (ICRS)
spectral_shape – a 1d function representing the spectral shape of the source
l – Galactic latitude
b – Galactic longitude
components – list of spectral components (instances of SpectralComponent)
sky_position – an instance of SkyDirection
- Returns:
- property free_parameters: Dict[str, Parameter]
Returns a dictionary of free parameters for this source. We use the parameter path as the key because it’s guaranteed to be unique, unlike the parameter name.
- Returns:
- property has_free_parameters: bool
Returns True or False whether there is any parameter in this source
- Returns: