astromodels.sources package


astromodels.sources.extended_source module

class astromodels.sources.extended_source.ExtendedSource(source_name, spatial_shape, spectral_shape=None, components=None, polarization=None)[source]

Bases: Source, Node

property free_parameters

Returns a dictionary of free parameters for this source We use the parameter path as the key because it’s guaranteed to be unique, unlike the parameter name.



Returns the boundaries for this extended source


a tuple of tuples ((min. lon, max. lon), (min lat, max lat))


Returns total flux of source at the given energy :param energies: energies (array or float) :return: differential flux at given energy

property has_free_parameters

Returns True or False whether there is any parameter in this source


property parameters

Returns a dictionary of all parameters for this source. We use the parameter path as the key because it’s guaranteed to be unique, unlike the parameter name.


property spatial_shape

A generic name for the spatial shape.


the spatial shape instance

astromodels.sources.particle_source module

class astromodels.sources.particle_source.ParticleSource(name, distribution_shape=None, components=None)[source]

Bases: Source, Node

A source of particles with a certain distribution. This source does not produce any electromagnetic signal, but it is useful if used in conjuction with spectral shapes which need a particle distribution as input, like for example a Synchrotron kernel.

  • name – name for the source

  • distribution_shape – a function describing the energy distribution of the particles

  • components – a list of SpectralComponents instances


property free_parameters

Returns a dictionary of free parameters for this source. We use the parameter path as the key because it’s guaranteed to be unique, unlike the parameter name.



Get the total flux of this particle source at the given energies (summed over the components)

property parameters

Returns a dictionary of all parameters for this source. We use the parameter path as the key because it’s guaranteed to be unique, unlike the parameter name.


astromodels.sources.point_source module

class astromodels.sources.point_source.PointSource(source_name: str, ra: float | None = None, dec: float | None = None, spectral_shape: Function1D | None = None, l: float | None = None, b: float | None = None, components=None, sky_position: SkyDirection | None = None, polarization=None)[source]

Bases: Source, Node

A point source. You can instance this class in many ways.

  • with Equatorial position and a function as spectrum (the component will be automatically called ‘main’):

    >>> from astromodels import *
    >>> point_source = PointSource('my_source', 125.6, -75.3, Powerlaw())
  • with Galactic position and a function as spectrum (the component will be automatically called ‘main’):

    >>> point_source = PointSource('my_source', l=15.67, b=80.75, spectral_shape=Powerlaw())
  • with Equatorial position or Galactic position and a list of spectral components:

    >>> c1 = SpectralComponent("component1", Powerlaw())
    >>> c2 = SpectralComponent("component2", Powerlaw())
    >>> point_source = PointSource("test_source",125.6, -75.3,components=[c1,c2])
    Or with Galactic position:
    >>> point_source = PointSource("test_source",l=15.67, b=80.75,components=[c1,c2])

NOTE: by default the position of the source is fixed (i.e., its positional parameters are fixed)

  • source_name – name for the source

  • ra – Equatorial J2000 Right Ascension (ICRS)

  • dec – Equatorial J2000 Declination (ICRS)

  • spectral_shape – a 1d function representing the spectral shape of the source

  • l – Galactic latitude

  • b – Galactic longitude

  • components – list of spectral components (instances of SpectralComponent)

  • sky_position – an instance of SkyDirection


property free_parameters: Dict[str, Parameter]

Returns a dictionary of free parameters for this source. We use the parameter path as the key because it’s guaranteed to be unique, unlike the parameter name.


property has_free_parameters: bool

Returns True or False whether there is any parameter in this source


property parameters: Dict[str, Parameter]

Returns a dictionary of all parameters for this source. We use the parameter path as the key because it’s guaranteed to be unique, unlike the parameter name.


astromodels.sources.source module

class astromodels.sources.source.Source(list_of_components: List[Any], src_type: str, spatial_shape=None)[source]

Bases: object

property components: Dict[str, Any]

Return the dictionary of components


dictionary of components

property free_parameters: Dict[str, Parameter]

Returns a dictionary of free parameters for this source


property has_free_parameters: bool
property source_type: str

Return the type of the source (‘point source’ or ‘extended source’)


type of the source

class astromodels.sources.source.SourceType(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.

EXTENDED_SOURCE = 'extended source'
PARTICLE_SOURCE = 'particle source'
POINT_SOURCE = 'point source'
exception astromodels.sources.source.UnknownSourceType[source]

Bases: Exception

Module contents

class astromodels.sources.ExtendedSource(source_name, spatial_shape, spectral_shape=None, components=None, polarization=None)[source]

Bases: Source, Node

property free_parameters

Returns a dictionary of free parameters for this source We use the parameter path as the key because it’s guaranteed to be unique, unlike the parameter name.



Returns the boundaries for this extended source


a tuple of tuples ((min. lon, max. lon), (min lat, max lat))


Returns total flux of source at the given energy :param energies: energies (array or float) :return: differential flux at given energy

property has_free_parameters

Returns True or False whether there is any parameter in this source


property parameters

Returns a dictionary of all parameters for this source. We use the parameter path as the key because it’s guaranteed to be unique, unlike the parameter name.


property spatial_shape

A generic name for the spatial shape.


the spatial shape instance

class astromodels.sources.ParticleSource(name, distribution_shape=None, components=None)[source]

Bases: Source, Node

A source of particles with a certain distribution. This source does not produce any electromagnetic signal, but it is useful if used in conjuction with spectral shapes which need a particle distribution as input, like for example a Synchrotron kernel.

  • name – name for the source

  • distribution_shape – a function describing the energy distribution of the particles

  • components – a list of SpectralComponents instances


property free_parameters

Returns a dictionary of free parameters for this source. We use the parameter path as the key because it’s guaranteed to be unique, unlike the parameter name.



Get the total flux of this particle source at the given energies (summed over the components)

property parameters

Returns a dictionary of all parameters for this source. We use the parameter path as the key because it’s guaranteed to be unique, unlike the parameter name.


class astromodels.sources.PointSource(source_name: str, ra: float | None = None, dec: float | None = None, spectral_shape: Function1D | None = None, l: float | None = None, b: float | None = None, components=None, sky_position: SkyDirection | None = None, polarization=None)[source]

Bases: Source, Node

A point source. You can instance this class in many ways.

  • with Equatorial position and a function as spectrum (the component will be automatically called ‘main’):

    >>> from astromodels import *
    >>> point_source = PointSource('my_source', 125.6, -75.3, Powerlaw())
  • with Galactic position and a function as spectrum (the component will be automatically called ‘main’):

    >>> point_source = PointSource('my_source', l=15.67, b=80.75, spectral_shape=Powerlaw())
  • with Equatorial position or Galactic position and a list of spectral components:

    >>> c1 = SpectralComponent("component1", Powerlaw())
    >>> c2 = SpectralComponent("component2", Powerlaw())
    >>> point_source = PointSource("test_source",125.6, -75.3,components=[c1,c2])
    Or with Galactic position:
    >>> point_source = PointSource("test_source",l=15.67, b=80.75,components=[c1,c2])

NOTE: by default the position of the source is fixed (i.e., its positional parameters are fixed)

  • source_name – name for the source

  • ra – Equatorial J2000 Right Ascension (ICRS)

  • dec – Equatorial J2000 Declination (ICRS)

  • spectral_shape – a 1d function representing the spectral shape of the source

  • l – Galactic latitude

  • b – Galactic longitude

  • components – list of spectral components (instances of SpectralComponent)

  • sky_position – an instance of SkyDirection


property free_parameters: Dict[str, Parameter]

Returns a dictionary of free parameters for this source. We use the parameter path as the key because it’s guaranteed to be unique, unlike the parameter name.


property has_free_parameters: bool

Returns True or False whether there is any parameter in this source


property parameters: Dict[str, Parameter]

Returns a dictionary of all parameters for this source. We use the parameter path as the key because it’s guaranteed to be unique, unlike the parameter name.
