Source code for threeML

# We import matplotlib first, because we need control on the backend
# Indeed, if no DISPLAY variable is set, matplotlib 2.0 crashes (at the moment, 05/26/2017)
import pandas as pd

pd.set_option("display.max_columns", None)

import os
import traceback
import warnings

# Workaround to avoid a segmentation fault with ROOT and a CFITSIO issue
    import ROOT
except ImportError:
    import pyLikelihood
except ImportError:

from pathlib import Path

from import setup_logger

# Import everything from astromodels
from astromodels import *

from .config import (

log = setup_logger(__name__)
log.propagate = False

if threeML_config["logging"]["startup_warnings"]:"Starting 3ML!")
    log.warning("WARNINGs here are [red]NOT[/red] errors")
        "but are inform you about optional packages that can be installed"
        "[red] to disable these messages, turn off start_warning in your config file[/red]"

if os.environ.get("DISPLAY") is None:
    if threeML_config["logging"]["startup_warnings"]:
            "no display variable set. using backend for graphics without display (agg)"

    import matplotlib as mpl


# Import version (this has to be placed before the import of serialization
# since __version__ needs to be defined at that stage)
from ._version import get_versions

__version__ = get_versions()["version"]
del get_versions

import traceback
from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader

# Finally import the serialization machinery
from .io.serialization import *

# Now import the optimizers first (to avoid conflicting libraries problems)
from .minimizer.minimization import (
from .plugin_prototype import PluginPrototype

# from .exceptions.custom_exceptions import custom_warnings

# This must be here before the automatic import of subpackages,
# otherwise we will incur in weird issues with other packages
# using similar names (for example, the io package)

    # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
    from cthreeML.pyModelInterfaceCache import pyToCppModelInterfaceCache

except ImportError:
    if threeML_config.logging.startup_warnings:
            "The cthreeML package is not installed. You will not be able to use plugins which require "
            "the C/C++ interface (currently HAWC)"  #    custom_exceptions.CppInterfaceNotAvailable,
# Now look for plugins

# This verifies if a module is importable

[docs] def is_module_importable(module_full_path): try: _ = SourceFileLoader("__", str(module_full_path)).load_module() except: return False, traceback.format_exc() else: return True, "%s imported ok" % module_full_path
plugins_dir = Path(__file__).parent / "plugins" found_plugins = plugins_dir.glob("*.py") # Filter out __init__ # found_plugins = filter(lambda x: str(x).find("__init__") < 0, found_plugins) # Filter out __init__ found_plugins = filter(lambda x: str(x).find("__init__") < 0, found_plugins) _working_plugins = {} _not_working_plugins = {} # Loop over each candidates plugins and check if it is importable for i, module_full_path in enumerate(found_plugins): plugin_name = module_full_path.stem is_importable, failure_traceback = is_module_importable(module_full_path) if not is_importable: if threeML_config.logging.startup_warnings: log.warning( f"Could not import plugin {}. Do you have the relative instrument software installed " "and configured?" # custom_exceptions.CannotImportPlugin, ) _not_working_plugins[plugin_name] = failure_traceback continue else: # First get the instrument name try: exec(f"from threeML.plugins.{plugin_name} import __instrument_name") except ImportError: # This module does not contain a plugin, continue continue # Now import the plugin itself import_command = ( f"from threeML.plugins.{plugin_name} import {plugin_name}" ) try: exec(import_command) except ImportError: pass else: _working_plugins[__instrument_name] = plugin_name # Now some convenience functions
[docs] def get_available_plugins(): """ Print a list of available plugins :return: """ print("Available plugins:\n") for instrument, class_name in _working_plugins.items(): print(f"{class_name} for {instrument}")
def _display_plugin_traceback(plugin): if threeML_config.logging.startup_warnings: log.warning( "#############################################################" ) log.warning("\nCouldn't import plugin %s" % plugin) log.warning("\nTraceback:\n") log.warning(_not_working_plugins[plugin]) log.warning( "#############################################################" )
[docs] def is_plugin_available(plugin): """ Test whether the plugin for the provided instrument is available :param plugin: the name of the plugin class :return: True or False """ if plugin in _working_plugins.values(): # FIXME if plugin == "FermipyLike": try: _ = FermipyLike.__new__(FermipyLike, test=True) except: # Do not register it _not_working_plugins[plugin] = traceback.format_exc() _display_plugin_traceback(plugin) return False return True else: if plugin in _not_working_plugins: _display_plugin_traceback(plugin) return False else: log.error(f"Plugin {plugin} is not known") raise RuntimeError()
# Import the classic Maximum Likelihood Estimation package import os import astropy.units as u # Import the results loader from threeML.analysis_results import ( convert_fits_analysis_result_to_hdf, load_analysis_results, load_analysis_results_hdf, ) # Import catalogs from threeML.catalogs import ( FermiGBMBurstCatalog, FermiGBMTriggerCatalog, FermiLATSourceCatalog, FermiPySourceCatalog, FermiLLEBurstCatalog, SwiftGRBCatalog, ) from import ( activate_warnings, silence_warnings, update_logging_level, silence_logs, silence_progress_bars, activate_progress_bars, toggle_progress_bars, quiet_mode, loud_mode, debug_mode, activate_logs, ) from import plot_tte_lightcurve from import ( plot_point_source_spectra, plot_spectra, ) from import ( display_photometry_model_magnitudes, display_spectrum_model_counts, ) # from import interval_to_errors # import time series builder, soon to replace the Fermi plugins from threeML.utils.data_builders import * from threeML.utils.data_download.Fermi_GBM.download_GBM_data import ( download_GBM_trigger_data, download_GBM_daily_data, ) # Import the LAT data downloader from threeML.utils.data_download.Fermi_LAT.download_LAT_data import ( download_LAT_data, ) # Import LLE downloader from threeML.utils.data_download.Fermi_LAT.download_LLE_data import ( download_LLE_trigger_data, ) # Import the Bayesian analysis from .bayesian.bayesian_analysis import BayesianAnalysis from .classicMLE.goodness_of_fit import GoodnessOfFit from .classicMLE.joint_likelihood import JointLikelihood # Import the joint likelihood set from .classicMLE.joint_likelihood_set import ( JointLikelihoodSet, JointLikelihoodSetAnalyzer, ) from .classicMLE.likelihood_ratio_test import LikelihoodRatioTest # Now read the configuration and make it available as threeML_config from .data_list import DataList from .io.calculate_flux import calculate_point_source_flux # Import the plot_style context manager and the function to create new styles from .parallel.parallel_client import parallel_computation # Added by JM. step generator for time-resolved fits from .utils.step_parameter_generator import step_generator from .io import get_threeML_style, set_threeML_style # Import optical filters # from threeML.plugins.photometry.filter_factory import threeML_filter_library # Import GBM downloader # Check that the number of threads is set to 1 for all multi-thread libraries # otherwise numpy operations will be way slower than what they could be, since # we never perform huge numpy operations, we instead perform many of them. In this # situation, opening threads introduces overhead with no performance gain. This solution # allows cores to be used for multi-cpu computation with the parallel client var_to_check = ["OMP_NUM_THREADS", "MKL_NUM_THREADS", "NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS"] for var in var_to_check: num_threads = os.environ.get(var) if num_threads is not None: try: num_threads = int(num_threads) except ValueError: if threeML_config.logging.startup_warnings: log.warning( "Your env. variable %s is not an integer, which doesn't make sense. Set it to 1 " "for optimum performances." % var, # RuntimeWarning, ) else: if threeML_config.logging.startup_warnings: log.warning( "Env. variable %s is not set. Please set it to 1 for optimal performances in 3ML" % var # RuntimeWarning, ) del os del Path del warnings del SourceFileLoader