threeML.utils.photometry.filter_set module
- class threeML.utils.photometry.filter_set.FilterSet(filter, mask=None)[source]
- ab_magnitudes()[source]
return the effective stimulus of the model and filter for the given magnitude system :return: np.ndarray of ab magnitudes
- property effective_wavelength
the average wave length of the filters
- Type:
- property filter_names
the filter names
- Type:
- property n_bands
the number of bands
- Type:
- property native_filter_names
the native filter names :return:
- set_model(differential_flux)[source]
set the model of that will be used during the convolution. Not that speclite considers a differential flux to be in units of erg/s/cm2/lambda so we must convert astromodels into the proper units (using astropy units!)
- property speclite_filters
exposes the speclite fitlers for simulations
- Returns:
- property wavelength_bounds
IntervalSet of FWHM bounds of the filters :return:
- property waveunits
the pysynphot wave units
- Type: