threeML.catalogs package
threeML.catalogs.Fermi module
- class threeML.catalogs.Fermi.FermiGBMBurstCatalog(update=False)[source]
- get_detector_information()[source]
Return the detectors used for spectral analysis as well as their background intervals. Peak flux and fluence intervals are also returned as well as best fit models
- Returns:
detector information dictionary
- get_model(model='band', interval='fluence')[source]
Return the fitted model from the Fermi-LAT GBM catalog in 3ML Model form. You can choose band, comp, plaw, or sbpl models corresponding to the models fitted in the GBM catalog. The interval for the fit can be the ‘fluence’ or ‘peak’ interval
- Parameters:
model – one of ‘band’ (default), ‘comp’, ‘plaw’, ‘sbpl’
interval – ‘peak’ or ‘fluence’ (default)
- Returns:
a dictionary of 3ML likelihood models that can be fitted
- class threeML.catalogs.Fermi.FermiGBMTriggerCatalog(update=False)[source]
- class threeML.catalogs.Fermi.FermiLATSourceCatalog(update=False)[source]
- class threeML.catalogs.Fermi.FermiLLEBurstCatalog(update=False)[source]
- class threeML.catalogs.Fermi.ModelFrom3FGL(ra_center, dec_center, *sources)[source]
- fix_point_sources_within_radius(radius, normalization_only=True)[source]
Fixes the parameters for the point sources within the given radius of the center of the search cone
- Parameters:
radius – radius in degree
normalization_only – if True, fixes only the normalization of the source (default: True)
- Returns:
- free_point_sources_within_radius(radius, normalization_only=True)[source]
Free the parameters for the point sources within the given radius of the center of the search cone
- Parameters:
radius – radius in degree
normalization_only – if True, frees only the normalization of the source (default: True)
- Returns:
threeML.catalogs.FermiGBM module
- class threeML.catalogs.FermiGBM.FermiGBMBurstCatalog(update=False)[source]
- get_detector_information()[source]
Return the detectors used for spectral analysis as well as their background intervals. Peak flux and fluence intervals are also returned as well as best fit models
- Returns:
detector information dictionary
- get_model(model='band', interval='fluence')[source]
Return the fitted model from the Fermi-LAT GBM catalog in 3ML Model form. You can choose band, comp, plaw, or sbpl models corresponding to the models fitted in the GBM catalog. The interval for the fit can be the ‘fluence’ or ‘peak’ interval
- Parameters:
model – one of ‘band’ (default), ‘comp’, ‘plaw’, ‘sbpl’
interval – ‘peak’ or ‘fluence’ (default)
- Returns:
a dictionary of 3ML likelihood models that can be fitted
- class threeML.catalogs.FermiGBM.FermiGBMTriggerCatalog(update=False)[source]
threeML.catalogs.FermiLAT module
- class threeML.catalogs.FermiLAT.FermiLATSourceCatalog(update=False)[source]
- get_model(use_association_name=True, exposure=None, npred_min=0)[source]
Build the model with FGL sources :param use_association_name: use the name of the associated source (stored in assoc_name column) :param exposure: exposure in cm2 * seconds (can be calculated with gtexposure) :param npred_min: minimum number of predicted events. :return: model
- class threeML.catalogs.FermiLAT.FermiPySourceCatalog(catalog_name='4FGL', update=True)[source]
threeML.catalogs.FermiLLE module
- class threeML.catalogs.FermiLLE.FermiLLEBurstCatalog(update=False)[source]
threeML.catalogs.Swift module
- class threeML.catalogs.Swift.SwiftGRBCatalog(update=False)[source]
- get_other_instrument_information()[source]
Return the detectors used for spectral analysis as well as their background intervals. Peak flux and fluence intervals are also returned as well as best fit models
- Returns:
observing information dataframe indexed by source
- get_other_observation_information()[source]
returns a structured pandas table containing the other observing instruments, their GCNs and if obtainable, their trigger numbers/ data identifiers. Currently, the trigger number is only obtained for Fermi-LAT-GBM.
- Returns:
- property other_observing_instruments
threeML.catalogs.VirtualObservatoryCatalog module
- class threeML.catalogs.VirtualObservatoryCatalog.VirtualObservatoryCatalog(name, url, description)[source]
- cone_search(ra, dec, radius)[source]
Searches for sources in a cone of given radius and center
- Parameters:
ra – decimal degrees, R.A. of the center of the cone
dec – decimal degrees, Dec. of the center of the cone
radius – radius in degrees
- Returns:
a table with the list of sources
- property dec_center
- query(query)[source]
query the entire VO table for the given logical argument. Queries are in the form of pandas queries:
To obtain a preview of the availble columns, try catalog.variables
- Parameters:
query – pandas style query string
- Returns:
- query_sources(*sources)[source]
query for the specific source names.
- Parameters:
sources – source(s) to search for
- Returns:
- property ra_center
- property result
return a searchable pandas dataframe of results from the last query. :return:
- search_around_source(source_name, radius)[source]
Search for sources around the named source. The coordinates of the provided source are resolved using the astropy.coordinates.name_resolve facility.
- Parameters:
source_name – name of the source, like “Crab”
radius – radius of the search, in degrees
- Returns:
(ra, dec, table), where ra,dec are the coordinates of the source as resolved by astropy, and table is
a table with the list of sources
threeML.catalogs.catalog_utils module
- class threeML.catalogs.catalog_utils.ModelFromFGL(ra_center, dec_center, *sources)[source]
- fix_extended_sources_within_radius(radius, normalization_only=True)[source]
Fixes the parameters for the point sources within the given radius of the center of the search cone
- Parameters:
radius – radius in degree
normalization_only – if True, fixes only the normalization of the source (default: True)
- Returns:
- fix_point_sources_within_radius(radius, normalization_only=True)[source]
Fixes the parameters for the point sources within the given radius of the center of the search cone
- Parameters:
radius – radius in degree
normalization_only – if True, fixes only the normalization of the source (default: True)
- Returns:
- free_extended_sources_within_radius(radius, normalization_only=True)[source]
Free the parameters for the point sources within the given radius of the center of the search cone
- Parameters:
radius – radius in degree
normalization_only – if True, frees only the normalization of the source (default: True)
- Returns:
- free_point_sources_within_radius(radius, normalization_only=True)[source]
Free the parameters for the point sources within the given radius of the center of the search cone
- Parameters:
radius – radius in degree
normalization_only – if True, frees only the normalization of the source (default: True)
- Returns: