threeML.plugins.experimental package


threeML.plugins.experimental.CastroLike module

class threeML.plugins.experimental.CastroLike.CastroLike(name, interval_containers)[source]

Bases: PluginPrototype

property active_containers

Return the value of the log-likelihood with the current values for the parameters


This is used for the profile likelihood. Keeping fixed all parameters in the LikelihoodModel, this method minimize the logLike over the remaining nuisance parameters, i.e., the parameters belonging only to the model for this particular detector. If there are no nuisance parameters, simply return the logLike value.

plot(plot_model=True, n_points=1000, fig=None, sub=None)[source]
set_active_measurements(tmin, tmax)[source]

Set the model to be used in the joint minimization. Must be a LikelihoodModel instance.

property start
property stop
class threeML.plugins.experimental.CastroLike.IntervalContainer(start, stop, parameter_values, likelihood_values, n_integration_points)[source]

Bases: object

get_measurement(delta_log_like=0.5, ul_log_like=1.355, low_bound_extreme=0.0, hi_bound_extreme=inf)[source]
property n_integration_points
property start
property stop

threeML.plugins.experimental.SherpaLike module

threeML.plugins.experimental.VERITASLike module

Module contents