threeML.utils.data_download.Fermi_GBM package
threeML.utils.data_download.Fermi_GBM.download_GBM_data module
- threeML.utils.data_download.Fermi_GBM.download_GBM_data.cleanup_downloaded_GBM_data(detector_information_dict) None [source]
deletes data downloaded with download_GBM_trigger_data. :param detector_information_dict: the return dictionary from download_GBM_trigger_data
- threeML.utils.data_download.Fermi_GBM.download_GBM_data.download_GBM_daily_data(year: str, month: str, day: str, detectors: List[str] | None = None, destination_directory: str = '.', compress_tte: bool = True, cspec_only: bool = True) Dict[str, Any] [source]
Download the latest GBM TTE and RSP files from the HEASARC server. Will get the latest file version and prefer RSP2s over RSPs. If the files already exist in your destination directory, they will be skipped in the download process. The output dictionary can be used as input to the FermiGBMTTELike class.
example usage: download_GBM_trigger_data(‘080916009’, detectors=[‘n0’,’na’,’b0’], destination_directory=’.’)
- Parameters:
year – the last two digits of the year, e.g, ‘08’
year – the two digits of the month, e.g, ‘09’
year – the two digits of the day, e.g, ‘10’
detectors – list of detectors, default is all detectors
destination_directory – download directory
compress_tte – compress the TTE files via gzip (default True)
cspec_only – do not download TTE (faster)
- Returns:
a dictionary with information about the download
- threeML.utils.data_download.Fermi_GBM.download_GBM_data.download_GBM_trigger_data(trigger_name: str, detectors: List[str] | None = None, destination_directory: str = '.', compress_tte: bool = True, cspec_only: bool = False) Dict[str, Any] [source]
Download the latest GBM TTE and RSP files from the HEASARC server. Will get the latest file version and prefer RSP2s over RSPs. If the files already exist in your destination directory, they will be skipped in the download process. The output dictionary can be used as input to the FermiGBMTTELike class.
example usage: download_GBM_trigger_data(‘080916009’, detectors=[‘n0’,’na’,’b0’], destination_directory=’.’)
- Parameters:
trigger_name – trigger number (str) e.g. ‘080916009’ or ‘bn080916009’ or ‘GRB080916009’
detectors – list of detectors, default is all detectors
destination_directory – download directory
compress_tte – compress the TTE files via gzip (default True)
cspec_only – do not download TTE (faster)
- Returns:
a dictionary with information about the download