from import fits
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
import pkg_resources
import six
from import setup_logger
log = setup_logger(__name__)
# From
# Codes for the data type of binary table columns and/or for the
# data type of variables when reading or writing keywords or data:
# #define TBIT 1 /* 'X' */
# #define TBYTE 11 /* 8-bit unsigned byte, 'B' */
# #define TLOGICAL 14 /* logicals (int for keywords */
# /* and char for table cols 'L' */
# #define TSTRING 16 /* ASCII string, 'A' */
# #define TSHORT 21 /* signed short, 'I' */
# #define TLONG 41 /* signed long, */
# #define TLONGLONG 81 /* 64-bit long signed integer 'K' */
# #define TFLOAT 42 /* single precision float, 'E' */
# #define TDOUBLE 82 /* double precision float, 'D' */
# #define TCOMPLEX 83 /* complex (pair of floats) 'C' */
# #define TDBLCOMPLEX 163 /* double complex (2 doubles) 'M' */
# The following data type codes are also supported by CFITSIO:
# #define TINT 31 /* int */
# #define TSBYTE 12 /* 8-bit signed byte, 'S' */
# #define TUINT 30 /* unsigned int 'V' */
# #define TUSHORT 20 /* unsigned short 'U' */
# #define TULONG 40 /* unsigned long */
# The following data type code is only for use with fits\_get\_coltype
# #define TINT32BIT 41 /* signed 32-bit int, 'J' */
# Integers
np.int16: "I",
np.int32: "J",
np.int64: "K",
np.uint16: "I",
np.uint32: "J",
# Floating point
np.float32: "E",
np.float64: "D",
class FITSFile:
def __init__(self, primary_hdu=None, fits_extensions=None):
hdu_list = []
if primary_hdu is None:
primary_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU()
assert isinstance(primary_hdu, fits.PrimaryHDU)
if fits_extensions is not None:
fits_extensions = list(fits_extensions)
hdu_list.extend([x.hdu for x in fits_extensions])
# We embed instead of subclassing because the HDUList class has some weird interaction with the
# __init__ and __new__ methods which makes difficult to do so (we couldn't figure it out)
self._hdu_list = fits.HDUList(hdus=hdu_list)
def writeto(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._hdu_list.writeto(*args, **kwargs)
# Update the docstring to be the same as the method we are wrapping
writeto.__doc__ = fits.HDUList.writeto.__doc__
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self._hdu_list.__getitem__(item)
def info(self, output=None):
info.__doc__ =
def index_of(self, key):
return self._hdu_list.index_of(key)
index_of.__doc__ = fits.HDUList.index_of.__doc__
class FITSExtension(object):
# I use __new__ instead of __init__ because I need to use the classmethod .from_columns instead of the
# constructor of fits.BinTableHDU
def __init__(self, data_tuple, header_tuple):
# Generate the header from the dictionary
header = fits.Header(header_tuple)
# Loop over the columns and generate them
fits_columns = []
for column_name, column_data in data_tuple:
# Get type of column
# NOTE: we assume the type is the same for the entire column
test_value = column_data[0]
# Generate FITS column
# By default a column does not have units, unless the content is an astropy.Quantity
units = None
if isinstance(test_value, u.Quantity):
# Probe the format
# Use the one already defined, if possible
format = _NUMPY_TO_FITS_CODE[column_data.dtype.type]
except AttributeError:
# Try to infer it. Note that this could unwillingly upscale a float16 to a float32, for example
format = _NUMPY_TO_FITS_CODE[np.array(test_value.value).dtype.type]
# check if this is a vector of quantities
if test_value.shape:
format = "%i%s" % (test_value.shape[0], format)
# Store the unit as text
units = str(test_value.unit)
elif isinstance(test_value, six.string_types):
# Get maximum length, but make 1 as minimum length so if the column is completely made up of empty
# string we still can work
max_string_length = max(len(max(column_data, key=len)), 1)
format = "%iA" % max_string_length
elif np.isscalar(test_value):
format = _NUMPY_TO_FITS_CODE[np.array(test_value).dtype.type]
elif isinstance(test_value, list) or isinstance(test_value, np.ndarray):
# Probably a column array
# Check that we can convert it to a proper numpy type
# Get type of first number
col_type = np.array(test_value[0]).dtype.type
raise RuntimeError(
"Could not understand type of column %s" % column_name
# Make sure we are not dealing with objects
assert col_type != object and col_type != np.object_
_ = np.array(test_value, col_type)
raise RuntimeError(
"Column %s contain data which cannot be coerced to %s"
% (column_name, col_type)
# see if it is a string array
if test_value.dtype.type == np.bytes_:
max_string_length = max(column_data, key=len).dtype.itemsize
format = "%iA" % max_string_length
# All good. Check the length
# NOTE: variable length arrays are not supported
line_length = len(test_value)
format = "%i%s" % (line_length, _NUMPY_TO_FITS_CODE[col_type])
# Something we do not know
raise RuntimeError(
"Column %s in dataframe contains objects which are not strings"
% column_name
this_column = fits.Column(
name=column_name, format=format, unit=units, array=column_data
# Create the extension
self._hdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(
fits.ColDefs(fits_columns), header=header
# update the header to indicate that the file was created by 3ML
"3ML v.%s" % (pkg_resources.get_distribution("threeML").version),
def hdu(self):
return self._hdu
def from_fits_file_extension(cls, fits_extension):
data =
data_tuple = []
for name in data.columns.names:
data_tuple.append((name, data[name]))
header_tuple = list(fits_extension.header.items())
return cls(data_tuple, header_tuple)