Source code for

import os
from pathlib import Path

import pkg_resources

[docs]def get_path_of_data_file(data_file) -> Path: """ Used to get internal testing data and for examples. Not for user data :param data_file: data file inside internal 3ML directory :type data_file: :returns: """ file_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename( "threeML", "data/%s" % data_file ) p: Path = Path(file_path) if p.is_file(): return p else: raise RuntimeError( f" the file {data_file} is not in the threeml/data directory " "it is possible you are using this function incorrectly " "as it is only meant for internal files" )
[docs]def get_path_of_data_dir() -> Path: """ Used to get internal testing data and for examples. Not for user data :returns: """ file_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename("threeML", "data") return Path(file_path)
[docs]def get_path_of_user_dir() -> Path: """ Returns the path of the directory containing the user data (~/.threeML) :return: an absolute path """ user_dir: Path = Path().home() / ".threeML" if not user_dir.exists(): user_dir.mkdir() return user_dir
[docs]def get_path_of_user_config() -> Path: if os.environ.get("THREEML_CONFIG") is not None: config_path: Path = Path(os.environ.get("THREEML_CONFIG")) else: config_path: Path = Path().home() / ".config" / "threeML" if not config_path.exists(): config_path.mkdir(parents=True) return config_path
__all__ = [ "get_path_of_data_file", "get_path_of_data_dir", "get_path_of_user_dir", "get_path_of_user_config", ]