import collections
import itertools
from builtins import str
import numpy as np
from astromodels import Parameter
from threeML.config.config import threeML_config
from import setup_logger
from threeML.minimizer.minimization import GlobalMinimizer
from threeML.utils.progress_bar import tqdm
log = setup_logger(__name__)
class AllFitFailed(RuntimeError):
class GridMinimizer(GlobalMinimizer):
valid_setup_keys = ("grid", "second_minimization", "callbacks")
def __init__(self, function, parameters, verbosity=1):
self._grid = collections.OrderedDict()
# Keep a copy of the original values for the parameters
self._original_values = collections.OrderedDict()
for par_name, par in parameters.items():
self._original_values[par_name] = par.value
super(GridMinimizer, self).__init__(function, parameters, verbosity)
# This list will contain callbacks, if any
self._callbacks = []
def _setup(self, user_setup_dict) -> None:
if user_setup_dict is None:
# This minimizer MUST be set up with a grid, so we enforce that user_setup_dict is not None
assert (
user_setup_dict is not None
), "You have to setup a grid for this minimizer"
assert "grid" in user_setup_dict, "You have to setup a grid for this minimizer"
assert (
"second_minimization" in user_setup_dict
), "You have to set up a second minimizer"
# Setup grid
for parameter, grid in user_setup_dict["grid"].items():
log.debug(f"added {parameter} to the grid")
self.add_parameter_to_grid(parameter, grid)
# Setup inner minimization
self._2nd_minimization = user_setup_dict["second_minimization"]
# If there are callbacks, set them up
if "callbacks" in user_setup_dict:
for callback in user_setup_dict["callbacks"]:
def add_callback(self, function):
This adds a callback function which is called after each point in the grid has been used.
:param function: a function receiving in input a tuple containing the point in the grid and the minimum of the
function reached starting from that point. The function should return nothing
:return: none
def remove_callbacks(self):
Remove all callbacks added with add_callback
:return: none
self._callbacks = []
def add_parameter_to_grid(self, parameter, grid):
Add a parameter to the grid
:param parameter: an instance of a parameter or a parameter path
:param grid: a list (or a numpy.array) with the values the parameter is supposed to take during the grid search
:return: None
if isinstance(parameter, Parameter):
assert parameter in list(self.parameters.values()), (
"Parameter %s is not part of the " "current model" %
# Assume parameter is a path
parameter_path = str(parameter)
# Make a list of paths for the parameters
v = list(self.parameters.values())
parameters_paths = [x.path for x in v]
idx = parameters_paths.index(parameter_path)
except ValueError:
log.error("Could not find parameter %s in current model" %
raise ValueError()
parameter = v[idx]
grid = np.array(grid)
assert grid.ndim == 1, (
"The grid for parameter %s must be 1-dimensional" %
# Check that the grid is legal
if parameter.max_value is not None:
assert grid.max() < parameter.max_value, (
"The maximum value in the grid (%s) is above the maximum "
"legal value (%s) for parameter %s"
% (grid.max(), parameter.max_value,
if parameter.min_value is not None:
assert grid.min() > parameter.min_value, (
"The minimum value in the grid (%s) is above the minimum legal "
"value (%s) for parameter %s"
% (grid.min(), parameter.min_value,
log.debug(f"grid successfully added: {grid}")
self._grid[parameter.path] = grid
def _minimize(self):
assert (
len(self._grid) > 0
), "You need to set up a grid using add_parameter_to_grid"
if self._2nd_minimization is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"You did not setup this global minimizer (GRID). You need to use the .setup() method"
# For each point in the grid, perform a fit
parameters = list(self._grid.keys())
overall_minimum = 1e20
internal_best_fit_values = None
n_iterations =[x.shape for x in list(self._grid.values())])
if threeML_config.interface.progress_bars:
p = tqdm(total=n_iterations, desc="Grid Minimization")
for values_tuple in itertools.product(*list(self._grid.values())):
# Reset everything to the original values, so that the fit will always start
# from there, instead that from the values obtained in the last iterations, which
# might have gone completely awry
for par_name, par_value in self._original_values.items():
self.parameters[par_name].value = par_value
# Now set the parameters in the grid to their starting values
for i, this_value in enumerate(values_tuple):
self.parameters[parameters[i]].value = this_value
# Get a new instance of the minimizer. We need to do this instead of reusing an existing instance
# because some minimizers (like iminuit) keep internal track of their status, so that reusing
# a minimizer will create correlation between the different points
# NOTE: this line necessarily needs to be after the values of the parameters has been set to the
# point, because the init method of the minimizer instance will use those values to set the starting
# point for the fit
_minimizer = self._2nd_minimization.get_instance(
self.function, self.parameters, verbosity=0
# Perform fit
# We call _minimize() and not minimize() so that the best fit values are
# in the internal system.
this_best_fit_values_internal, this_minimum = _minimizer._minimize()
# A failure is not a problem here, only if all of the fit fail then we have a problem
# but this case is handled later
# If this minimum is the overall minimum, save the result
if this_minimum < overall_minimum:
overall_minimum = this_minimum
internal_best_fit_values = this_best_fit_values_internal
# Use callbacks (if any)
for callback in self._callbacks:
callback(values_tuple, this_minimum)
if threeML_config.interface.progress_bars:
if internal_best_fit_values is None:
log.error("All fit starting from values in the grid have failed!")
raise AllFitFailed(
return internal_best_fit_values, overall_minimum