Source code for threeML.utils.data_builders.time_series_builder

import copy
import re
from pathlib import Path

import as fits
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from threeML.exceptions.custom_exceptions import custom_warnings
from import file_existing_and_readable, sanitize_filename
from import setup_logger, silence_console_log
from threeML.plugins.DispersionSpectrumLike import DispersionSpectrumLike
from threeML.plugins.OGIPLike import OGIPLike
from threeML.plugins.SpectrumLike import NegativeBackground, SpectrumLike
from threeML.utils.data_builders.fermi.gbm_data import GBMCdata, GBMTTEFile
from threeML.utils.data_builders.fermi.lat_data import LLEFile
from threeML.utils.histogram import Histogram
from threeML.utils.OGIP.pha import PHAWrite
from threeML.utils.OGIP.response import (InstrumentResponse,
                                         InstrumentResponseSet, OGIPResponse)
from threeML.utils.polarization.binned_polarization import \
from threeML.utils.progress_bar import tqdm
from threeML.utils.spectrum.binned_spectrum import (
    BinnedSpectrum, BinnedSpectrumWithDispersion)
from threeML.utils.spectrum.pha_spectrum import PHASpectrumSet
from threeML.utils.statistics.stats_tools import Significance
from threeML.utils.time_interval import TimeIntervalSet
from threeML.utils.time_series.binned_spectrum_series import \
from threeML.utils.time_series.event_list import (
    EventList, EventListWithDeadTime, EventListWithDeadTimeFraction,
from threeML.utils.time_series.time_series import TimeSeries
from threeML.config.config import threeML_config
from threeML.config.config_utils import get_value_kwargs

log = setup_logger(__name__)


    from polarpy.polar_data import POLARData
    from polarpy.polar_response import PolarResponse
    from polarpy.polarlike import PolarLike

    log.debug("POLAR plugins are available")

    has_polarpy = True

except (ImportError):

    log.debug("POLAR plugins are unavailable")

    has_polarpy = False


    import gbm_drm_gen

    log.debug("GBM RSP generator is available")

    has_balrog = True

except (ImportError):

    log.debug("GBM RSP generator is unavailable")

    has_balrog = False

[docs]class BinningMethodError(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]class TimeSeriesBuilder(object): def __init__( self, name: str, time_series: TimeSeries, response=None, poly_order: int = -1, unbinned: bool = False, verbose: bool = True, restore_poly_fit=None, container_type=BinnedSpectrumWithDispersion, **kwargs, ): """ Class for handling generic time series data including binned and event list series. Depending on the data, this class builds either a SpectrumLike or DisperisonSpectrumLike plugin For specific instruments, use the TimeSeries.from() classmethods :param name: name for the plugin :param time_series: a TimeSeries instance :param response: options InstrumentResponse instance :param poly_order: the polynomial order to use for background fitting :param unbinned: if the background should be fit unbinned :param verbose: the verbosity switch :param restore_poly_fit: file from which to read a prefitted background """ assert isinstance( time_series, TimeSeries), "must be a TimeSeries instance" assert issubclass( container_type, Histogram), "must be a subclass of Histogram" self._name: str = name self._container_type = container_type self._time_series: TimeSeries = time_series # make sure we have a proper response if response is not None: assert ( isinstance(response, InstrumentResponse) or isinstance(response, InstrumentResponseSet) or isinstance(response, str) ), "Response must be an instance of InstrumentResponse" # deal with RSP weighting if need be if isinstance(response, InstrumentResponseSet): # we have a weighted response self._rsp_is_weighted: bool = True self._weighted_rsp: InstrumentResponseSet = response log.debug("The response is weighted") # just get a dummy response for the moment # it will be corrected when we set the interval self._response = InstrumentResponse.create_dummy_response( response.ebounds, response.monte_carlo_energies ) else: self._rsp_is_weighted: bool = False self._weighted_rsp = None self._response = response log.debug("The response is not weighted") self._verbose: bool = verbose self._active_interval = None self._observed_spectrum = None self._background_spectrum = None self._measured_background_spectrum = None self._time_series.poly_order = poly_order self._default_unbinned = unbinned # try and restore the poly fit if requested if restore_poly_fit is not None: log.debug("Attempting to read a previously fit background") if file_existing_and_readable(restore_poly_fit): self._time_series.restore_fit(restore_poly_fit)"Successfully restored fit from {restore_poly_fit}") else: log.error( f"Could not find saved background {restore_poly_fit}.") if "use_balrog" in kwargs: log.debug("This time series will use BALROG") self._use_balrog: bool = kwargs["use_balrog"] else: self._use_balrog: bool = False def _output(self): pass # super_out = super(EventListLike, self)._output() # return super_out.append(self._time_series._output()) def __set_poly_order(self, value): """Background poly order setter """ self._time_series.poly_order = value def ___set_poly_order(self, value): """ Indirect poly order setter """ self.__set_poly_order(value) def __get_poly_order(self): """ Get poly order """ return self._time_series.poly_order def ___get_poly_order(self): """ Indirect poly order getter """ return self.__get_poly_order() background_poly_order = property( ___get_poly_order, ___set_poly_order, doc="Get or set the background polynomial order", )
[docs] def set_active_time_interval(self, *intervals, **kwargs): """ Set the time interval to be used during the analysis. For now, only one interval can be selected. This may be updated in the future to allow for self consistent time resolved analysis. Specified as 'tmin-tmax'. Intervals are in seconds. Example: set_active_time_interval("0.0-10.0") which will set the energy range 0-10. seconds. :param options: :param intervals: :return: """ log.debug( f"setting active time interval to {','.join(intervals)} for {self._name}" ) self._time_series.set_active_time_intervals(*intervals) # extract a spectrum if self._response is None: log.debug(f"no response is set for {self._name}") self._observed_spectrum = self._container_type.from_time_series( self._time_series, use_poly=False ) else: if self._rsp_is_weighted: log.debug(f"weighted response is set for {self._name}") self._response = self._weighted_rsp.weight_by_counts( *self._time_series.time_intervals.to_string().split(",") ) self._observed_spectrum = self._container_type.from_time_series( self._time_series, self._response, use_poly=False ) log.debug(f"response is now set for {self._name}") self._active_interval: list = intervals # re-get the background if there was a time selection if self._time_series.poly_fit_exists: log.debug(f"re-applying the background for {self._name}") self._background_spectrum = self._container_type.from_time_series( self._time_series, response=self._response, use_poly=True, extract=False ) if self._time_series.bkg_intervals is not None: self._measured_background_spectrum = self._container_type.from_time_series( self._time_series, response=self._response, use_poly=False, extract=True, ) self._tstart = self._time_series.time_intervals.absolute_start_time self._tstop = self._time_series.time_intervals.absolute_stop_time f"Interval set to {self._tstart}-{self._tstop} for {self._name}")
[docs] def fit_polynomial(self, **kwargs): """ Fit the polynominals to the selected time intervals. Must be called after set_background_interval. :param kwargs: :returns: """ self._time_series.fit_polynomial(**kwargs)
[docs] def set_background_interval(self, *intervals, **kwargs): """ Set the time interval to fit the background. Multiple intervals can be input as separate arguments Specified as 'tmin-tmax'. Intervals are in seconds. Example: set_background_interval("-10.0-0.0","10.-15.") :param *intervals: :param **kwargs: :return: none """ fit_poly, kwargs = get_value_kwargs("fit_poly", bool,, **kwargs) unbinned, kwargs = get_value_kwargs("unbinned", bool,, **kwargs) bayes, kwargs = get_value_kwargs("bayes", bool,, **kwargs) log.debug(f"using unbinned is {unbinned} for {self._name}") log.debug(f"Setting bkg selection for {self._name}") self._time_series.set_background_interval( *intervals, unbinned=unbinned, bayes=bayes, fit_poly=fit_poly ) log.debug(f"Finished setting bkg selection for {self._name}") # In theory this will automatically get the poly counts if a # time interval already exists if self._active_interval is not None: log.debug(f"the active interval was already set for {self._name}") if self._response is None: if self._time_series.poly_fit_exists: self._background_spectrum = ( self._container_type.from_time_series( self._time_series, use_poly=True, extract=False ) ) else: self._background_spectrum = None self._measured_background_spectrum = ( self._container_type.from_time_series( self._time_series, use_poly=False, extract=True ) ) log.debug(f"bkg w/o rsp set for {self._name}") else: # we do not need to worry about the interval of the response if it is a set. only the ebounds are extracted here if self._time_series.poly_fit_exists: self._background_spectrum = ( self._container_type.from_time_series( self._time_series, self._response, use_poly=True, extract=False ) ) else: self._background_spectrum = None self._measured_background_spectrum = ( self._container_type.from_time_series( self._time_series, self._response, use_poly=False, extract=True, ) ) log.debug(f"bkg w/ rsp set for {self._name}")
[docs] def write_pha_from_binner( self, file_name: str, start=None, stop=None, overwrite=False, force_rsp_write=False, extract_measured_background=False, ): """ Write PHA fits files from the selected bins. If writing from an event list, the bins are from create_time_bins. If using a pre-time binned time series, the bins are those native to the data. Start and stop times can be used to control which bins are written to files :param file_name: the file name of the output files :param start: optional start time of the bins :param stop: optional stop time of the bins :param overwrite: if the fits files should be overwritten :param force_rsp_write: force the writing of RSPs :param extract_measured_background: Use the selected background rather than a polynomial fit to the background :return: None """ # we simply create a bunch of dispersion plugins and convert them to OGIP file_name: Path = sanitize_filename(file_name) with silence_console_log(and_progress_bars=False): ogip_list = [ OGIPLike.from_general_dispersion_spectrum(sl) for sl in self.to_spectrumlike( from_bins=True, start=start, stop=stop, extract_measured_background=extract_measured_background, ) ] # write out the PHAII file pha_writer = PHAWrite(*ogip_list) pha_writer.write( file_name, overwrite=overwrite, force_rsp_write=force_rsp_write )"Selections saved to {file_name}")
[docs] def get_background_parameters(self): """ Returns a pandas DataFrame containing the background polynomial coefficients for each channel. """ return self._time_series.get_poly_info()
[docs] def save_background(self, file_name: str, overwrite=False) -> None: """ save the background to and HDF5 file. The filename does not need an extension. The filename will be saved as <filename>_bkg.h5 :param file_name: name of file to save :param overwrite: to overwrite or not :return: """ file_name: Path = sanitize_filename(file_name) self._time_series.save_background(file_name, overwrite)"Saved background to {file_name}")
[docs] def view_lightcurve( self, start: float = -10, stop: float = 20.0, dt: float = 1.0, use_binner: bool = False, use_echans_start: int = 0, use_echans_stop: int = -1 ) -> plt.Figure: # type: (float, float, float, bool) -> None """ view the binned light curve :param start: start time of viewing :param stop: stop time of viewing :param dt: cadance of binning :param use_binner: use the binning created by a binning method """ return self._time_series.view_lightcurve(start, stop, dt, use_binner, use_echans_start, use_echans_stop)
@property def tstart(self) -> float: """ :return: start time of the active interval """ return self._tstart @property def tstop(self) -> float: """ :return: stop time of the active interval """ return self._tstop @property def bins(self): return self._time_series.bins @property def time_series(self) -> TimeSeries: return self._time_series @property def significance_per_interval(self) -> np.ndarray: if self._time_series.bins is not None: sig_per_interval = [] # go thru each interval and extract the significance for (start, stop) in self._time_series.bins.bin_stack: total_counts = self._time_series.counts_over_interval( start, stop) bkg_counts = self._time_series.get_total_poly_count( start, stop) bkg_error = self._time_series.get_total_poly_error(start, stop) sig_calc = Significance(total_counts, bkg_counts) sig_per_interval.append( sig_calc.li_and_ma_equivalent_for_gaussian_background(bkg_error)[ 0] ) return np.array(sig_per_interval) @property def total_counts_per_interval(self) -> np.ndarray: if self._time_series.bins is not None: total_counts = [] for (start, stop) in self._time_series.bins.bin_stack: total_counts.append( self._time_series.counts_over_interval(start, stop)) return np.array(total_counts) @property def background_counts_per_interval(self) -> np.ndarray: if self._time_series.bins is not None: total_counts = [] for (start, stop) in self._time_series.bins.bin_stack: total_counts.append( self._time_series.get_total_poly_count(start, stop)) return np.array(total_counts)
[docs] def read_bins(self, time_series_builder) -> None: """ Read the temporal bins from another *binned* TimeSeriesBuilder instance and apply those bins to this instance :param time_series_builder: *binned* time series builder to copy :return: """ log.debug( f"setting bins of {self._name} to those of {time_series_builder._name}" ) other_bins = time_series_builder.bins.bin_stack self.create_time_bins( other_bins[:, 0], other_bins[:, 1], method="custom")
[docs] def create_time_bins(self, start, stop, method="constant", **kwargs): """ Create time bins from start to stop with a given method (constant, siginificance, bayesblocks, custom). Each method has required keywords specified in the parameters. Once created, this can be used as a JointlikelihoodSet generator, or as input for viewing the light curve. :param start: start of the bins or array of start times for custom mode :param stop: stop of the bins or array of stop times for custom mode :param method: constant, significance, bayesblocks, custom :param dt: <constant method> delta time of the :param sigma: <significance> sigma level of bins :param min_counts: (optional) <significance> minimum number of counts per bin :param p0: <bayesblocks> the chance probability of having the correct bin configuration. :return: """ assert isinstance( self._time_series, EventList ), "can only bin event lists currently" # if 'use_energy_mask' in kwargs: # # use_energy_mask = kwargs.pop('use_energy_mask') # # else: # # use_energy_mask = False if method == "constant": if "dt" in kwargs: dt = float(kwargs.pop("dt")) else: log.error("constant bins requires the dt option set!") raise RuntimeError() self._time_series.bin_by_constant(start, stop, dt) elif method == "significance": if "sigma" in kwargs: sigma = kwargs.pop("sigma") else: log.error("significance bins require a sigma argument") raise RuntimeError() if "min_counts" in kwargs: min_counts = kwargs.pop("min_counts") else: min_counts = 10 self._time_series.bin_by_significance( start, stop, sigma=sigma, min_counts=min_counts, mask=None ) elif method == "bayesblocks": if "p0" in kwargs: p0 = kwargs.pop("p0") else: p0 = 0.1 if "use_background" in kwargs: use_background = kwargs.pop("use_background") else: use_background = False self._time_series.bin_by_bayesian_blocks( start, stop, p0, use_background) elif method == "custom": if type(start) is not list: if type(start) is not np.ndarray: log.error("start must be and array in custom mode") raise RuntimeError() if type(stop) is not list: if type(stop) is not np.ndarray: log.error("stop must be and array in custom mode") raise RuntimeError() assert len(start) == len( stop ), "must have equal number of start and stop times" self._time_series.bin_by_custom(start, stop) else: log.error( "Only constant, significance, bayesblock, or custom method argument accepted." ) raise BinningMethodError()"Created {len(self._time_series.bins)} bins via {method}")
[docs] def to_spectrumlike( self, from_bins: bool = False, start=None, stop=None, interval_name: str = "_interval", extract_measured_background: bool = False, ) -> list: """ Create plugin(s) from either the current active selection or the time bins. If creating from an event list, the bins are from create_time_bins. If using a pre-time binned time series, the bins are those native to the data. Start and stop times can be used to control which bins are used. :param from_bins: choose to create plugins from the time bins :param start: optional start time of the bins :param stop: optional stop time of the bins :param extract_measured_background: Use the selected background rather than a polynomial fit to the background :param interval_name: the name of the interval :return: SpectrumLike plugin(s) """ # we can use either the modeled or the measured background. In theory, all the information # in the background spectrum should propagate to the likelihood if extract_measured_background: log.debug( f"trying extract background as measurement in {self._name}") this_background_spectrum = self._measured_background_spectrum else: log.debug(f"trying extract background as model in {self._name}") this_background_spectrum = self._background_spectrum # this is for a single interval if not from_bins: log.debug("will extract a single spectrum") assert ( self._observed_spectrum is not None ), "Must have selected an active time interval" assert isinstance( self._observed_spectrum, BinnedSpectrum ), "You are attempting to create a SpectrumLike plugin from the wrong data type" if this_background_spectrum is None: log.warning( "No background selection has been made. This plugin will contain no background!" ) if self._response is None: log.debug(f"creating a SpectrumLike plugin named {self._name}") return SpectrumLike( name=self._name, observation=self._observed_spectrum, background=this_background_spectrum, verbose=self._verbose, tstart=self._tstart, tstop=self._tstop, ) else: if not self._use_balrog: log.debug( f"creating a DispersionSpectrumLike plugin named {self._name}" ) return DispersionSpectrumLike( name=self._name, observation=self._observed_spectrum, background=this_background_spectrum, verbose=self._verbose, tstart=self._tstart, tstop=self._tstop, ) else: log.debug( f"creating a BALROGLike plugin named {self._name}") return gbm_drm_gen.BALROGLike( name=self._name, observation=self._observed_spectrum, background=this_background_spectrum, verbose=self._verbose, time=0.5 * (self._tstart + self._tstop), tstart=self._tstart, tstop=self._tstop, ) else: # this is for a set of intervals. log.debug(f"extracting a series of spectra") assert ( self._time_series.bins is not None ), "This time series does not have any bins!" # save the original interval if there is one old_interval = copy.copy(self._active_interval) old_verbose = copy.copy(self._verbose) # we will keep it quiet to keep from being annoying self._verbose = False list_of_speclikes = [] # get the bins from the time series # for event lists, these are from created bins # for binned spectra sets, these are the native bines these_bins = self._time_series.bins # type: TimeIntervalSet if start is not None: assert stop is not None, "must specify a start AND a stop time" if stop is not None: assert stop is not None, "must specify a start AND a stop time" these_bins = these_bins.containing_interval( start, stop, inner=False) # loop through the intervals and create spec likes with silence_console_log(and_progress_bars=False): for i, interval in enumerate(tqdm(these_bins, desc="Creating plugins")): self.set_active_time_interval(interval.to_string()) assert isinstance( self._observed_spectrum, BinnedSpectrum ), "You are attempting to create a SpectrumLike plugin from the wrong data type" if extract_measured_background: this_background_spectrum = self._measured_background_spectrum log.debug( f"trying extract background as measurement in {self._name}" ) else: this_background_spectrum = self._background_spectrum log.debug( f"trying extract background as model in {self._name}") if this_background_spectrum is None: log.warning( "No bakckground selection has been made. This plugin will contain no background!" ) try: plugin_name = f"{self._name}{interval_name}{i}" if self._response is None: log.debug( f"creating a SpectrumLike plugin named {plugin_name}") sl = SpectrumLike( name=plugin_name, observation=self._observed_spectrum, background=this_background_spectrum, verbose=self._verbose, tstart=self._tstart, tstop=self._tstop, ) else: if not self._use_balrog: log.debug( f"creating a DispersionSpectrumLike plugin named {plugin_name}" ) sl = DispersionSpectrumLike( name=plugin_name, observation=self._observed_spectrum, background=this_background_spectrum, verbose=self._verbose, tstart=self._tstart, tstop=self._tstop, ) else: log.debug( f"creating a BALROGLike plugin named {plugin_name}" ) sl = gbm_drm_gen.BALROGLike( name=plugin_name, observation=self._observed_spectrum, background=this_background_spectrum, verbose=self._verbose, time=0.5 * (self._tstart + self._tstop), tstart=self._tstart, tstop=self._tstop, ) list_of_speclikes.append(sl) except (NegativeBackground): log.error( f"Something is wrong with interval {interval} skipping." ) # restore the old interval if old_interval is not None: log.debug("restoring the old interval") self.set_active_time_interval(*old_interval) else: self._active_interval = None self._verbose = old_verbose return list_of_speclikes
[docs] @classmethod def from_gbm_tte( cls, name: str, tte_file: str, rsp_file=None, restore_background=None, trigger_time=None, poly_order: int = -1, unbinned: bool = True, verbose: bool = True, use_balrog: bool = False, trigdat_file=None, poshist_file=None, cspec_file=None, ): """ A plugin to natively bin, view, and handle Fermi GBM TTE data. A TTE event file are required as well as the associated response Background selections are specified as a comma separated string e.g. "-10-0,10-20" Initial source selection is input as a string e.g. "0-5" One can choose a background polynomial order by hand (up to 4th order) or leave it as the default polyorder=-1 to decide by LRT test :param name: name for your choosing :param tte_file: GBM tte event file :param rsp_file: Associated TTE CSPEC response file :param trigger_time: trigger time if needed :param poly_order: 0-4 or -1 for auto :param unbinned: unbinned likelihood fit (bool) :param verbose: verbose (bool) :param use_balrog: (bool) if you have gbm_drm_gen installed, will build BALROGlike :param trigdat_file: the trigdat file to use for location :param poshist_file: the poshist file to use for location :param cspec_file: the cspec file to use for location """ # self._default_unbinned = unbinned # Load the relevant information from the TTE file gbm_tte_file = GBMTTEFile(sanitize_filename(tte_file)) log.debug(f"loaded the TTE file {tte_file}") # Set a trigger time if one has not been set if trigger_time is not None: log.debug("set custom trigger time") gbm_tte_file.trigger_time = trigger_time # Create the the event list event_list = EventListWithDeadTime( arrival_times=gbm_tte_file.arrival_times - gbm_tte_file.trigger_time, measurement=gbm_tte_file.energies, n_channels=gbm_tte_file.n_channels, start_time=gbm_tte_file.tstart - gbm_tte_file.trigger_time, stop_time=gbm_tte_file.tstop - gbm_tte_file.trigger_time, dead_time=gbm_tte_file.deadtime, first_channel=0, instrument=gbm_tte_file.det_name, mission=gbm_tte_file.mission, verbose=verbose, ) if use_balrog: log.debug("using BALROG to build time series") assert has_balrog, "you must install the gbm_drm_gen package to use balrog" assert cspec_file is not None, "must include a cspecfile" if poshist_file is not None: log.debug("using a poshist file") drm_gen = gbm_drm_gen.DRMGenTTE( tte_file, poshist=poshist_file, cspecfile=cspec_file, T0=trigger_time, mat_type=2, occult=True, ) elif trigdat_file is not None: log.debug("using a trigdat file") drm_gen = gbm_drm_gen.DRMGenTTE( tte_file, trigdat=trigdat_file, cspecfile=cspec_file, mat_type=2, occult=True, ) else: log.error("No poshist or trigdat file supplied") RuntimeError() rsp = gbm_drm_gen.BALROG_DRM(drm_gen, 0, 0) elif isinstance(rsp_file, str) or isinstance(rsp_file, Path): # we need to see if this is an RSP2 test = re.match("^.*\.rsp2$", str(rsp_file)) # some GBM RSPs that are not marked RSP2 are in fact RSP2s # we need to check if test is None: log.debug("detected single RSP") with as f: # there should only be a header, ebounds and one spec rsp extension if len(f) > 3: # make test a dummy value to trigger the nest loop test = -1 log.warning( "The RSP file is marked as a single response but in fact has multiple matrices. We will treat it as an RSP2" ) if test is not None: log.debug("detected and RSP2 file") # the FSSC responses half shift the time # but gbm_drm_gen does it properly with as f: try: if "RESPONSUM" in f[1].header["CREATOR"]: half_shifted = False log.debug("found a RESPONSUM response") else: half_shifted = True except: half_shifted = True rsp = InstrumentResponseSet.from_rsp2_file( rsp2_file=rsp_file, counts_getter=event_list.counts_over_interval, exposure_getter=event_list.exposure_over_interval, reference_time=gbm_tte_file.trigger_time, half_shifted=half_shifted ) else: log.debug("loading RSP") rsp = OGIPResponse(rsp_file) else: assert isinstance( rsp_file, InstrumentResponse ), "The provided response is not a 3ML InstrumentResponse" rsp = rsp_file # pass to the super class return cls( name, event_list, response=rsp, poly_order=poly_order, unbinned=unbinned, verbose=verbose, restore_poly_fit=restore_background, container_type=BinnedSpectrumWithDispersion, use_balrog=use_balrog, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_gbm_cspec_or_ctime( cls, name, cspec_or_ctime_file, rsp_file, restore_background=None, trigger_time=None, poly_order=-1, verbose=True, ): """ A plugin to natively bin, view, and handle Fermi GBM TTE data. A TTE event file are required as well as the associated response Background selections are specified as a comma separated string e.g. "-10-0,10-20" Initial source selection is input as a string e.g. "0-5" One can choose a background polynomial order by hand (up to 4th order) or leave it as the default polyorder=-1 to decide by LRT test :param name: name for your choosing :param tte_file: GBM tte event file :param rsp_file: Associated TTE CSPEC response file :param trigger_time: trigger time if needed :param poly_order: 0-4 or -1 for auto :param unbinned: unbinned likelihood fit (bool) :param verbose: verbose (bool) """ # self._default_unbinned = unbinned # Load the relevant information from the TTE file cdata = GBMCdata( sanitize_filename(cspec_or_ctime_file), sanitize_filename(rsp_file) ) log.debug(f"loaded the CDATA file {cspec_or_ctime_file}") # Set a trigger time if one has not been set if trigger_time is not None: log.debug("set custom trigger time") cdata.trigger_time = trigger_time # Create the the event list event_list = BinnedSpectrumSeries( cdata.spectrum_set, first_channel=0, mission="Fermi", instrument=cdata.det_name, verbose=verbose, ) # we need to see if this is an RSP2 if isinstance(rsp_file, str) or isinstance(rsp_file, Path): test = re.match("^.*\.rsp2$", str(rsp_file)) # some GBM RSPs that are not marked RSP2 are in fact RSP2s # we need to check if test is None: log.debug("detected single RSP") with as f: # there should only be a header, ebounds and one spec rsp extension if len(f) > 3: # make test a dummy value to trigger the nest loop test = -1 log.warning( "The RSP file is marked as a single response but in fact has multiple matrices. We will treat it as an RSP2" ) if test is not None: log.debug("detected and RSP2 file") # the FSSC responses half shift the time # but gbm_drm_gen does it properly with as f: try: if "RESPONSUM" in f[1].header["CREATOR"]: half_shifted = False log.debug("found a RESPONSUM response") else: half_shifted = True except: half_shifted = True rsp = InstrumentResponseSet.from_rsp2_file( rsp2_file=rsp_file, counts_getter=event_list.counts_over_interval, exposure_getter=event_list.exposure_over_interval, reference_time=cdata.trigger_time, half_shifted=half_shifted ) else: log.debug("loading RSP") rsp = OGIPResponse(rsp_file) else: assert isinstance( rsp_file, InstrumentResponse ), "The provided response is not a 3ML InstrumentResponse" rsp = rsp_file # pass to the super class return cls( name, event_list, response=rsp, poly_order=poly_order, unbinned=False, verbose=verbose, restore_poly_fit=restore_background, container_type=BinnedSpectrumWithDispersion, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_lat_lle( cls, name, lle_file, ft2_file, rsp_file, restore_background=None, trigger_time=None, poly_order=-1, unbinned=False, verbose=True, ): """ A plugin to natively bin, view, and handle Fermi LAT LLE data. An LLE event file and FT2 (1 sec) are required as well as the associated response Background selections are specified as a comma separated string e.g. "-10-0,10-20" Initial source selection is input as a string e.g. "0-5" One can choose a background polynomial order by hand (up to 4th order) or leave it as the default polyorder=-1 to decide by LRT test :param name: name of the plugin :param lle_file: lle event file :param ft2_file: fermi FT2 file :param rsp_file: lle response file :param trigger_time: trigger time if needed :param poly_order: 0-4 or -1 for auto :param unbinned: unbinned likelihood fit (bool) :param verbose: verbose (bool) """ lat_lle_file = LLEFile(lle_file, ft2_file, rsp_file) if trigger_time is not None: lat_lle_file.trigger_time = trigger_time # Mark channels less than 30 MeV as bad channel_30MeV = np.searchsorted( lat_lle_file.energy_edges[0], 30000.0) - 1 native_quality = np.zeros(lat_lle_file.n_channels, dtype=int) idx = np.arange(lat_lle_file.n_channels) < channel_30MeV native_quality[idx] = 5 event_list = EventListWithLiveTime( arrival_times=lat_lle_file.arrival_times - lat_lle_file.trigger_time, measurement=lat_lle_file.energies, n_channels=lat_lle_file.n_channels, live_time=lat_lle_file.livetime, live_time_starts=lat_lle_file.livetime_start - lat_lle_file.trigger_time, live_time_stops=lat_lle_file.livetime_stop - lat_lle_file.trigger_time, start_time=lat_lle_file.tstart - lat_lle_file.trigger_time, stop_time=lat_lle_file.tstop - lat_lle_file.trigger_time, quality=native_quality, first_channel=1, # rsp_file=rsp_file, instrument=lat_lle_file.instrument, mission=lat_lle_file.mission, verbose=verbose, ) # pass to the super class rsp = OGIPResponse(rsp_file) return cls( name, event_list, response=rsp, poly_order=poly_order, unbinned=unbinned, verbose=verbose, restore_poly_fit=restore_background, container_type=BinnedSpectrumWithDispersion, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_phaII(cls): raise NotImplementedError( "Reading from a generic PHAII file is not yet supportedgb" )
[docs] @classmethod def from_konus_pha( cls, name, pha_file, rsp_file, arf_file, restore_background=None, trigger_time=None, poly_order=-1, verbose=True ): """ A plugin to natively bin, view, and handle Konus-Wind PHA data. One can choose a background polynomial order by hand (up to 4th order) or leave it as the default polyorder=-1 to decide by LRT test :param name: name for your choosing :param pha_file: Konus-Wind PHAII file :param rsp_file: Associated response file :param arf_file: Associated auxiliary response file :param trigger_time: trigger time if needed :param poly_order: 0-4 or -1 for auto :param verbose: verbose (bool) """ # Load the relevant information from the PHA file spectrum_set = PHASpectrumSet(pha_file, rsp_file=rsp_file, arf_file=arf_file) event_list = BinnedSpectrumSeries(spectrum_set, first_channel=1, verbose=verbose) rsp = OGIPResponse(rsp_file, arf_file=arf_file) return cls(name, event_list, response=rsp, poly_order=poly_order, unbinned=False, verbose=verbose, restore_poly_fit=restore_background, container_type=BinnedSpectrumWithDispersion )
[docs] @classmethod def from_polar_spectrum( cls, name, polar_hdf5_file, restore_background=None, trigger_time=0.0, poly_order=-1, unbinned=True, verbose=True, ): if not has_polarpy: log.error("The polarpy module is not installed") raise RuntimeError() # self._default_unbinned = unbinned # extract the polar varaibles polar_data = POLARData( polar_hdf5_file, polar_hdf5_response=None, reference_time=trigger_time ) # Create the the event list event_list = EventListWithDeadTimeFraction( arrival_times=polar_data.time, measurement=polar_data.pha, n_channels=polar_data.n_channels, start_time=polar_data.time.min(), stop_time=polar_data.time.max(), dead_time_fraction=polar_data.dead_time_fraction, verbose=verbose, first_channel=1, mission="Tiangong-2", instrument="POLAR", ) return cls( name, event_list, response=polar_data.rsp, poly_order=poly_order, unbinned=unbinned, verbose=verbose, restore_poly_fit=restore_background, container_type=BinnedSpectrumWithDispersion, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_polar_polarization( cls, name, polar_hdf5_file, polar_hdf5_response, restore_background=None, trigger_time=0.0, poly_order=-1, unbinned=True, verbose=True, ): if not has_polarpy: log.error("The polarpy module is not installed") raise RuntimeError() # self._default_unbinned = unbinned # extract the polar varaibles polar_data = POLARData( polar_hdf5_file, polar_hdf5_response, trigger_time) # Create the the event list event_list = EventListWithDeadTimeFraction( arrival_times=polar_data.scattering_angle_time, measurement=polar_data.scattering_angles, n_channels=polar_data.n_scattering_bins, start_time=polar_data.scattering_angle_time.min(), stop_time=polar_data.scattering_angle_time.max(), dead_time_fraction=polar_data.scattering_angle_dead_time_fraction, verbose=verbose, first_channel=1, mission="Tiangong-2", instrument="POLAR", edges=polar_data.scattering_edges, ) return cls( name, event_list, response=polar_hdf5_response, poly_order=poly_order, unbinned=unbinned, verbose=verbose, restore_poly_fit=restore_background, container_type=BinnedModulationCurve, )
[docs] def to_polarlike( self, from_bins=False, start=None, stop=None, interval_name="_interval", extract_measured_background=False, ): assert has_polarpy, "you must have the polarpy module installed" assert issubclass( self._container_type, BinnedModulationCurve ), "You are attempting to create a POLARLike plugin from the wrong data type" if extract_measured_background: this_background_spectrum = self._measured_background_spectrum else: this_background_spectrum = self._background_spectrum if isinstance(self._response, str): self._response = PolarResponse(self._response) if not from_bins: assert ( self._observed_spectrum is not None ), "Must have selected an active time interval" if this_background_spectrum is None: log.warning( "No background selection has been made. This plugin will contain no background!" ) return PolarLike( name=self._name, observation=self._observed_spectrum, background=this_background_spectrum, response=self._response, verbose=self._verbose, # tstart=self._tstart, # tstop=self._tstop ) else: # this is for a set of intervals. assert ( self._time_series.bins is not None ), "This time series does not have any bins!" # save the original interval if there is one old_interval = copy.copy(self._active_interval) old_verbose = copy.copy(self._verbose) # we will keep it quiet to keep from being annoying self._verbose = False list_of_polarlikes = [] # now we make one response to save time # get the bins from the time series # for event lists, these are from created bins # for binned spectra sets, these are the native bines these_bins = self._time_series.bins # type: TimeIntervalSet if start is not None: assert stop is not None, "must specify a start AND a stop time" if stop is not None: assert stop is not None, "must specify a start AND a stop time" these_bins = these_bins.containing_interval( start, stop, inner=False) # loop through the intervals and create spec likes for i, interval in enumerate(tqdm(these_bins, desc="Creating plugins")): self.set_active_time_interval(interval.to_string()) if extract_measured_background: this_background_spectrum = self._measured_background_spectrum else: this_background_spectrum = self._background_spectrum if this_background_spectrum is None: log.warning( "No bakckground selection has been made. This plugin will contain no background!" ) try: pl = PolarLike( name="%s%s%d" % (self._name, interval_name, i), observation=self._observed_spectrum, background=this_background_spectrum, response=self._response, verbose=self._verbose, # tstart=self._tstart, # tstop=self._tstop ) list_of_polarlikes.append(pl) except (NegativeBackground): log.error( "Something is wrong with interval %s. skipping." % interval ) # restore the old interval if old_interval is not None: self.set_active_time_interval(*old_interval) else: self._active_interval = None self._verbose = old_verbose return list_of_polarlikes # get the bins from the time series # for event lists, these are from created bins # for binned spectra sets, these are the native bines these_bins = self._time_series.bins # type: TimeIntervalSet if start is not None: assert stop is not None, "must specify a start AND a stop time" if stop is not None: assert stop is not None, "must specify a start AND a stop time" these_bins = these_bins.containing_interval( start, stop, inner=False) # loop through the intervals and create spec likes for i, interval in enumerate(tqdm(these_bins, desc="Creating plugins")): self.set_active_time_interval(interval.to_string()) if extract_measured_background: this_background_spectrum = self._measured_background_spectrum else: this_background_spectrum = self._background_spectrum if this_background_spectrum is None: log.warning( "No bakckground selection has been made. This plugin will contain no background!" ) try: pl = PolarLike( name="%s%s%d" % (self._name, interval_name, i), observation=self._observed_spectrum, background=this_background_spectrum, response=self._response, verbose=self._verbose, # tstart=self._tstart, # tstop=self._tstop ) list_of_polarlikes.append(pl) except (NegativeBackground): log.error( "Something is wrong with interval %s. skipping." % interval ) # restore the old interval if old_interval is not None: self.set_active_time_interval(*old_interval) else: self._active_interval = None self._verbose = old_verbose return list_of_polarlikes