threeML.bayesian.sampler_base module
- class threeML.bayesian.sampler_base.MCMCSampler(likelihood_model, data_list, **kwargs)[source]
- class threeML.bayesian.sampler_base.SamplerBase(likelihood_model: Model, data_list: DataList, **kwargs)[source]
- property log_like_values: ndarray | None
Returns the value of the log_likelihood found by the bayesian sampler while samplin g from the posterior. If you need to find the values of the parameters which generated a given value of the log. likelihood, remember that the samples accessible through the property .raw_samples are ordered in the same way as the vector returned by this method.
- Returns:
a vector of log. like values
- property log_marginal_likelihood: float | None
Return the log marginal likelihood (evidence) if computed :return:
- property log_probability_values: ndarray | None
Returns the value of the log_probability (posterior) found by the bayesian sampler while sampling from the posterior. If you need to find the values of the parameters which generated a given value of the log. likelihood, remember that the samples accessible through the property .raw_samples are ordered in the same way as the vector returned by this method.
- Returns:
a vector of log probabilty values
- property raw_samples: ndarray | None
Access the samples from the posterior distribution generated by the selected sampler in raw form (i.e., in the format returned by the sampler)
- Returns:
the samples as returned by the sampler
- property results: BayesianResults
- property samples: Dict[str, ndarray] | None
Access the samples from the posterior distribution generated by the selected sampler
- Returns:
a dictionary with the samples from the posterior distribution for each parameter
- class threeML.bayesian.sampler_base.UnitCubeSampler(likelihood_model, data_list, **kwargs)[source]