threeML.bayesian.tutorial_material module
- class threeML.bayesian.tutorial_material.BayesianAnalysisWrap(likelihood_model: Model, data_list: DataList, **kwargs)[source]
- threeML.bayesian.tutorial_material.array_to_cmap(values, cmap, use_log=False)[source]
Generates a color map and color list that is normalized to the values in an array. Allows for adding a 3rd dimension onto a plot
- Parameters:
values – a list a values to map into a cmap
cmap – the mpl colormap to use
use_log – if the mapping should be done in log space
- threeML.bayesian.tutorial_material.plot_likelihood_function(bayes, fig=None, show_prior=False)[source]
- threeML.bayesian.tutorial_material.plot_sample_path(bayes, burn_in=None, truth=None)[source]
- Parameters:
jl (JointLikelihood)
- Returns: