threeML.plugins package
threeML.plugins.BinnedProfileLike module
threeML.plugins.DispersionSpectrumLike module
- class threeML.plugins.DispersionSpectrumLike.DispersionSpectrumLike(name: str, observation: BinnedSpectrumWithDispersion, background: BinnedSpectrum | SpectrumLike | XYLike | None = None, background_exposure: float | None = None, verbose: bool = True, tstart: float | None = None, tstop: float | None = None)[source]
- display_rsp()[source]
Display the currently loaded full response matrix, i.e., RMF and ARF convolved :return:
- classmethod from_function(name: str, source_function, response, source_errors=None, source_sys_errors=None, background_function=None, background_errors=None, background_sys_errors=None, exposure=1.0, scale_factor=1.0) DispersionSpectrumLike [source]
Construct a simulated spectrum from a given source function and (optional) background function. If source and/or background errors are not supplied, the likelihood is assumed to be Poisson.
- Parameters:
name – simulated data set name
source_function – astromodels function
response – 3ML Instrument response
source_errors – (optional) gaussian source errors
source_sys_errors – (optional) systematic source errors
background_function – (optional) astromodels background function
background_errors – (optional) gaussian background errors
background_sys_errors – (optional) background systematic errors
exposure – the exposure to assume
scale_factor – the scale factor between source exposure / bkg exposure
- Returns:
simulated DispersionSpectrumLike plugin
- get_simulated_dataset(new_name=None, **kwargs)[source]
Returns another DispersionSpectrumLike instance where data have been obtained by randomizing the current expectation from the model, as well as from the background (depending on the respective noise models)
- Returns:
a DispersionSpectrumLike simulated instance
- property response: InstrumentResponse
- set_model(likelihoodModel: Model) None [source]
Set the model to be used in the joint minimization.
- set_model_integrate_method(method: str)[source]
Change the integrate method for the model integration :param method: (str) which method should be used (simpson or trapz)
- write_pha(filename: str, overwrite: bool = False, force_rsp_write: bool = False) None [source]
Writes the observation, background and (optional) rsp to PHAII fits files
- Parameters:
filename – base file name to write out
overwrite – if you would like to force overwriting of the files
force_rsp_write – force the writing of an rsp even if not required
threeML.plugins.FermiLATLike module
threeML.plugins.FermipyLike module
- class threeML.plugins.FermipyLike.FermipyLike(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Plugin for the data of the Fermi Large Area Telescope, based on fermipy (
- property configuration
Returns the loaded configuration
- Returns:
a dictionary containing the active configuration
- display_model(data_color: str = 'k', model_cmap: str = 'Set1', model_color: str | None = None, total_model_color: str = 'k', background_color: str = 'b', show_data: bool = True, primary_sources: str | List[str] | None = None, show_background_sources: bool = True, shade_fixed_sources: bool = True, shade_secondary_source: bool = False, fixed_sources_color: str = 'grey', secondary_sources_color: str = 'k', show_residuals: bool = True, ratio_residuals: bool = False, show_legend: bool = True, model_label: str | None = None, model_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, data_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, background_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, **kwargs) ResidualPlot [source]
Plot the current model with or without the data and the residuals. Multiple models can be plotted by supplying a previous axis to ‘model_subplot’.
Example usage:
fig = data.display_model()
fig2 = data2.display_model(model_subplot=fig.axes)
- Parameters:
data_color – the color of the data
model_color – the color of the model
show_data – (bool) show_the data with the model
show_residuals – (bool) shoe the residuals
ratio_residuals – (bool) use model ratio instead of residuals
show_legend – (bool) show legend
model_label – (optional) the label to use for the model default is plugin name
model_kwargs – plotting kwargs affecting the plotting of the model
data_kwargs – plotting kwargs affecting the plotting of the data and residuls
background_kwargs – plotting kwargs affecting the plotting of the background
- Returns:
- static get_basic_config(evfile, scfile, ra, dec, emin=100.0, emax=100000.0, zmax=100.0, evclass=128, evtype=3, filter='DATA_QUAL>0 && LAT_CONFIG==1', fermipy_verbosity=2, fermitools_chatter=2)[source]
- get_log_like()[source]
Return the value of the log-likelihood with the current values for the parameters stored in the ModelManager instance
- get_number_of_data_points()[source]
Return the number of spatial/energy bins
- Returns:
number of bins
- property gta
- inner_fit()[source]
This is used for the profile likelihood. Keeping fixed all parameters in the LikelihoodModel, this method minimize the logLike over the remaining nuisance parameters, i.e., the parameters belonging only to the model for this particular detector. If there are no nuisance parameters, simply return the logLike value.
- set_inner_minimization(flag: bool) None [source]
Turn on the minimization of the internal Fermi parameters
- Parameters:
flag (bool) – turing on and off the minimization of the Fermipy internal parameters
- Returns:
threeML.plugins.HAWCLike module
threeML.plugins.OGIPLike module
- class threeML.plugins.OGIPLike.OGIPLike(name: str, observation: str | Path | PHASpectrum | PHAII, background: str | Path | PHASpectrum | PHAII | SpectrumLike | XYLike | None = None, response: str | None = None, arf_file: str | None = None, spectrum_number: int | None = None, verbose: bool = True)[source]
- classmethod from_general_dispersion_spectrum(dispersion_like: DispersionSpectrumLike) OGIPLike [source]
Build on OGIPLike from a dispersion like. This makes it easy to write a dispersion like to a pha file
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- get_simulated_dataset(new_name: str | None = None, spectrum_number: int = 1, **kwargs) OGIPLike [source]
Returns another OGIPLike instance where data have been obtained by randomizing the current expectation from the model, as well as from the background (depending on the respective noise models)
- Parameters:
new_name – name of the simulated plugin
spectrum_number – spectrum number (default is 1)
kwargs – keywords to pass back up to parents
- Returns:
a DispersionSpectrumLike simulated instance
- property grouping
threeML.plugins.PhotometryLike module
- class threeML.plugins.PhotometryLike.BandNode(name, index, value, mask)[source]
- property off
‘ = True’ or ‘ = False’.
- Type:
Turn on or off the band. Use booleans, like
- property on
‘p.on = True’ or ‘p.on = False’.
- Type:
Turn on or off the band. Use booleans, like
- class threeML.plugins.PhotometryLike.PhotometryLike(name: str, filters: FilterSequence | FilterResponse, observation: PhotometericObservation)[source]
- classmethod from_file(name: str, filters: FilterResponse | FilterSequence, file_name: str)[source]
Create the a PhotometryLike plugin from a saved HDF5 data file
- Parameters:
name – plugin name
filters – speclite filters
file_name – name of the observation file
- classmethod from_kwargs(name, filters, **kwargs)[source]
- grond = PhotometryLike.from_kwargs(‘GROND’,
filters=threeML_filter_library.ESO.GROND, g=(20.93,.23), r=(20.6,0.12), i=(20.4,.07), z=(20.3,.04), J=(20.0,.03), H=(19.8,.03), K=(19.7,.04))
Magnitudes and errors are entered as keyword arguments where the key is the filter name and the argument is a tuple containing the data. You can exclude data for individual filters and they will be ignored during the fit.
NOTE: PhotometryLike expects apparent AB magnitudes. Please calibrate your data to this system
- Parameters:
name – plugin name
filters – speclite filters
kwargs – keyword args of band name and tuple(mag, mag error)
- property magnitude_errors
- property magnitudes
- property observation: PhotometericObservation
- plot(data_color: str = 'r', model_color: str = 'blue', show_data: bool = True, show_residuals: bool = True, show_legend: bool = True, model_label: str | None = None, model_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, data_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, **kwargs) ResidualPlot [source]
TODO describe function
- Parameters:
data_color (str)
model_color (str)
show_data (bool)
show_residuals (bool)
show_legend (bool)
model_label (Optional[str])
model_kwargs (Optional[Dict[str, Any]])
data_kwargs (Optional[Dict[str, Any]])
- Returns:
threeML.plugins.SpectrumLike module
- class threeML.plugins.SpectrumLike.SpectrumLike(name: str, observation: BinnedSpectrum, background: BinnedSpectrum | SpectrumLike | XYLike | None = None, verbose: bool = True, background_exposure=None, tstart: float | int | None = None, tstop: float | int | None = None)[source]
- property area_ratio: float
ratio between source and background area
- Type:
- assign_to_source(source_name: str) None [source]
Assign these data to the given source (instead of to the sum of all sources, which is the default)
- Parameters:
source_name – name of the source (must be contained in the likelihood model)
- Returns:
- property background_count_errors: ndarray | None
the observed background count errors
- Type:
- property background_counts: ndarray | None
the observed background counts
- Type:
- property background_exposure: float
Exposure of the background spectrum, if present
- property background_integrate_method: str
The method used to integrate the_background across the response matrix
- property background_noise_model: str
Sets/gets the noise model for the background spectrum
- property background_plugin: SpectrumLike | XYLike | None
- property background_scale_factor: float
The background scale factor
- Returns:
- property background_spectrum: BinnedSpectrum
- property current_background_count_errors: ndarray | None
- property current_background_counts: ndarray | None
- property current_observed_count_errors: ndarray | None
- property current_observed_counts: ndarray
- property current_scaled_background_counts: ndarray | None
- display_model(data_color: str = 'k', model_color: str = 'r', background_color: str = 'b', step: bool = True, show_data: bool = True, show_residuals: bool = True, ratio_residuals: bool = False, show_legend: bool = True, min_rate: int | float = 1e-99, model_label: str | None = None, model_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, data_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, background_label: str | None = None, background_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, source_only: bool = True, show_background: bool = False, **kwargs) ResidualPlot [source]
Plot the current model with or without the data and the residuals. Multiple models can be plotted by supplying a previous axis to ‘model_subplot’.
Example usage:
fig = data.display_model()
fig2 = data2.display_model(model_subplot=fig.axes)
- Parameters:
data_color – the color of the data
model_color – the color of the model
step – (bool) create a step count histogram or interpolate the model
show_data – (bool) show_the data with the model
show_residuals – (bool) shoe the residuals
ratio_residuals – (bool) use model ratio instead of residuals
show_legend – (bool) show legend
min_rate – the minimum rate per bin
model_label – (optional) the label to use for the model default is plugin name
model_subplot – (optional) axis or list of axes to plot to
model_kwargs – plotting kwargs affecting the plotting of the model
data_kwargs – plotting kwargs affecting the plotting of the data and residuls
- Returns:
- property energy_boundaries: Tuple[float]
Energy boundaries of channels currently in use (rebinned, if a rebinner is active)
- Returns:
(energy_min, energy_max)
- property expected_model_rate: ndarray
- property exposure: float
Exposure of the source spectrum
- property exposure_ratio: float
ratio between source and background exposure
- Type:
- fix_effective_area_correction(value: int | float = 1) None [source]
Fix the multiplicative factor (see use_effective_area_correction) to the provided value (default: 1)
- Parameters:
value – new value (default: 1, i.e., no correction)
- Returns:
- classmethod from_background(name: str, spectrum_like, verbose: bool = True)[source]
Extract a SpectrumLike plugin from the background of another SpectrumLike (or subclass) instance
- Parameters:
name – name of the extracted_plugin
spectrum_like – plugin with background to extract
verbose – if the plugin should be verbose
- Returns:
SpectrumLike instance from the background
- classmethod from_function(name: str, source_function, energy_min, energy_max, source_errors=None, source_sys_errors=None, background_function=None, background_errors=None, background_sys_errors=None, exposure=1.0, scale_factor=1.0, **kwargs)[source]
Construct a simulated spectrum from a given source function and (optional) background function. If source and/or background errors are not supplied, the likelihood is assumed to be Poisson.
- Parameters:
name – simulkated data set name
source_function – astromodels function
energy_min – array of low energy bin edges
energy_max – array of high energy bin edges
source_errors – (optional) gaussian source errors
source_sys_errors – (optional) systematic source errors
background_function – (optional) astromodels background function
background_errors – (optional) gaussian background errors
background_sys_errors – (optional) background systematic errors
exposure – the exposure to assume
scale_factor – the scale factor between source exposure / bkg exposure
- Returns:
simulated SpectrumLike plugin
- get_background_model(without_mask: bool = False) ndarray [source]
The background model integrated over the energy bins. Note that it only returns the model for the currently active channels/measurements
- Returns:
array of folded model
- get_log_like(precalc_fluxes: ndarray | None = None) float [source]
Calls the likelihood from the pre-setup likelihood evaluator that “knows” of the currently set noise models
- Returns:
- get_model(precalc_fluxes: array | None = None) ndarray [source]
The model integrated over the energy bins. Note that it only returns the model for the currently active channels/measurements
- Returns:
array of folded model
- get_pha_files() Dict[str, BinnedSpectrum] [source]
- get_simulated_dataset(new_name: str | None = None, store_model: bool | None = True, **kwargs) SpectrumLike [source]
Returns another Binned instance where data have been obtained by randomizing the current expectation from the model, as well as from the background (depending on the respective noise models)
- Parameters:
new_name – the base line name
store_model – to store the model configuration used to simulate the data set
- Returns:
an BinnedSpectrum or child instance
- inner_fit() float [source]
This is used for the profile likelihood. Keeping fixed all parameters in the LikelihoodModel, this method minimize the logLike over the remaining nuisance parameters, i.e., the parameters belonging only to the model for this particular detector. If there are no nuisance parameters, simply return the logLike value.
- property likelihood_model: Model
- property mask: ndarray
The channel mask :return:
- property model_integrate_method: str
The method used to integrate the model across the response matrix
- property n_data_points: int
- property observation_noise_model: str
Sets/gets the noise model for the background spectrum
- property observed_count_errors: ndarray | None
the observed counts errors
- Type:
- property observed_counts: ndarray
the observed counts
- Type:
- property observed_spectrum: BinnedSpectrum
- rebin_on_background(min_number_of_counts: float) None [source]
Rebin the spectrum guaranteeing the provided minimum number of counts in each background bin. This is usually required for spectra with very few background counts to make the Poisson profile likelihood meaningful. Of course this is not relevant if you treat the background as ideal, nor if the background spectrum has Gaussian errors.
The observed spectrum will be rebinned in the same fashion as the background spectrum.
To neutralize this completely, use “remove_rebinning”
- Parameters:
min_number_of_counts – the minimum number of counts in each bin
- Returns:
- rebin_on_source(min_number_of_counts: int) None [source]
Rebin the spectrum guaranteeing the provided minimum number of counts in each source bin.
To neutralize this completely, use “remove_rebinning”
- Parameters:
min_number_of_counts – the minimum number of counts in each bin
- Returns:
- remove_rebinning() None [source]
Remove the rebinning scheme set with rebin_on_background.
- Returns:
- property scale_factor: float
Ratio between the source and the background exposure and area
- Returns:
- set_active_measurements(*args, **kwargs) None [source]
Set the measurements to be used during the analysis. Use as many ranges as you need, and you can specify either energies or channels to be used.
NOTE to Xspec users: while XSpec uses integers and floats to distinguish between energies and channels specifications, 3ML does not, as it would be error-prone when writing scripts. Read the following documentation to know how to achieve the same functionality.
Energy selections:
They are specified as ‘emin-emax’. Energies are in keV. Example:
which will set the energy range 10-12.5 keV and 56-100 keV to be used in the analysis. Note that there is no difference in saying 10 or 10.0.
Channel selections:
They are specified as ‘c[channel min]-c[channel max]’. Example:
This will set channels 10-12 and 56-100 as active channels to be used in the analysis
Mixed channel and energy selections:
You can also specify mixed energy/channel selections, for example to go from 0.2 keV to channel 20 and from channel 50 to 10 keV:
Use all measurements (i.e., reset to initial state):
Use ‘all’ to select all measurements, as in:
Use ‘reset’ to return to native PHA quality from file, as in:
Exclude measurements:
Excluding measurements work as selecting measurements, but with the “exclude” keyword set to the energies and/or channels to be excluded. To exclude between channel 10 and 20 keV and 50 keV to channel 120 do:
set_active_measurements(exclude=[“c10-20”, “50-c120”])
Select and exclude:
Call this method more than once if you need to select and exclude. For example, to select between 0.2 keV and channel 10, but exclude channel 30-50 and energy , do:
Using native PHA quality:
To simply add or exclude channels from the native PHA, one can use the use_quailty option:
- set_active_measurements(
“0.2-c10”,exclude=[“c30-c50”], use_quality=True)
This translates to including the channels from 0.2 keV - channel 10, exluding channels 30-50 and any channels flagged BAD in the PHA file will also be excluded.
- Parameters:
exclude – (list) exclude the provided channel/energy ranges
use_quality – (bool) use the native quality on the PHA file (default=False)
- Returns:
- set_background_integrate_method(method: str) None [source]
Change the integrate method for the background integration :param method: (str) which method should be used (simpson or trapz)
- set_model(likelihoodModel: Model) None [source]
Set the model to be used in the joint minimization.
- set_model_integrate_method(method: str) None [source]
Change the integrate method for the model integration :param method: (str) which method should be used (simpson or trapz)
- property significance: float
the significance of the data over background
- Type:
- property significance_per_channel: ndarray
the significance of the data over background per channel
- Type:
- property simulated_parameters: Model
Return the simulated dataset parameters :return: a likelihood model copy
- property source_rate: ndarray
The source rate of the model. If there is background or a background background plugin present, the source is background subtracted, but only for visual purposes. If no background is present, then, this is just the observed rate.
- Returns:
the source rate
- property source_rate_error: ndarray
The source rate error of the model. If there is background or a background background plugin present, the source is background subtracted, but only for visual purposes. If no background is present, then, this is just the observed rate.
- Returns:
the source rate error
- property tstart: float
- property tstop: float
- use_effective_area_correction(min_value: int | float = 0.8, max_value: int | float = 1.2, use_gaussian_prior: bool = False, mu: float = 1, sigma: float = 0.1) None [source]
Activate the use of the effective area correction, which is a multiplicative factor in front of the model which might be used to mitigate the effect of intercalibration mismatch between different instruments.
NOTE: do not use this is you are using only one detector, as the multiplicative constant will be completely degenerate with the normalization of the model.
NOTE2: always keep at least one multiplicative constant fixed to one (its default value), when using this with other OGIPLike-type detectors
- Parameters:
min_value – minimum allowed value (default: 0.8, corresponding to a 20% - effect)
max_value – maximum allowed value (default: 1.2, corresponding to a 20% + effect)
use_gaussian_prior – use a gaussian prior on the constant
mu – the center of the gaussian
sigma – the spread of the gaussian
- Returns:
- view_count_spectrum(plot_errors: bool = True, show_bad_channels: bool = True, show_warn_channels: bool = False, significance_level: bool | None = None, scale_background: bool = True) Figure [source]
View the count and background spectrum. Useful to check energy selections. :param plot_errors: plot errors on the counts :param show_bad_channels: (bool) show which channels are bad in the native PHA quality :return:
threeML.plugins.SwiftXRTLike module
- class threeML.plugins.SwiftXRTLike.SwiftXRTLike(name: str, observation: str | Path | PHASpectrum | PHAII, background: str | Path | PHASpectrum | PHAII | SpectrumLike | XYLike | None = None, response: str | None = None, arf_file: str | None = None, spectrum_number: int | None = None, verbose: bool = True)[source]
threeML.plugins.UnbinnedPoissonLike module
- class threeML.plugins.UnbinnedPoissonLike.EventObservation(events: ndarray, exposure: float, start: float | ndarray, stop: float | ndarray, for_timeseries: bool = False)[source]
- property events: ndarray
- property exposure: float
- property for_timeseries: bool
- property is_multi_interval: bool
- property n_events: int
- property start: float | ndarray
- property stop: float | ndarray
- class threeML.plugins.UnbinnedPoissonLike.UnbinnedPoissonLike(name: str, observation: EventObservation, source_name: str | None = None)[source]
- get_log_like() float [source]
Return the value of the log-likelihood with the current values for the parameters
- get_number_of_data_points()[source]
This returns the number of data points that are used to evaluate the likelihood. For binned measurements, this is the number of active bins used in the fit. For unbinned measurements, this would be the number of photons/particles that are evaluated on the likelihood
- inner_fit() float [source]
This is used for the profile likelihood. Keeping fixed all parameters in the LikelihoodModel, this method minimize the logLike over the remaining nuisance parameters, i.e., the parameters belonging only to the model for this particular detector. If there are no nuisance parameters, simply return the logLike value.
threeML.plugins.UnresolvedExtendedXYLike module
- class threeML.plugins.UnresolvedExtendedXYLike.UnresolvedExtendedXYLike(name, x, y, yerr=None, exposure=None, poisson_data=False, quiet=False, source_name=None)[source]
threeML.plugins.XYLike module
- class threeML.plugins.XYLike.XYLike(name: str, x: ndarray, y: ndarray, yerr: ndarray | None = None, poisson_data: bool = False, exposure: float | None = None, quiet: bool = False, source_name: str | None = None)[source]
- assign_to_source(source_name: str) None [source]
Assign these data to the given source (instead of to the sum of all sources, which is the default)
- Parameters:
source_name – name of the source (must be contained in the likelihood model)
- Returns:
- fit(function: Function, minimizer: str = 'minuit', verbose: bool = False) _AnalysisResults [source]
Fit the data with the provided function (an astromodels function)
- Parameters:
function – astromodels function
minimizer – the minimizer to use
verbose – print every step of the fit procedure
- Returns:
best fit results
- classmethod from_dataframe(name: str, dataframe: DataFrame, x_column: str = 'x', y_column: str = 'y', err_column: str = 'yerr', poisson: bool = False) XYLike [source]
Generate a XYLike instance from a Pandas.DataFrame instance
- Parameters:
name – the name for the XYLike instance
dataframe – the input data frame
x_column – name of the column to be used as x (default: ‘x’)
y_column – name of the column to be used as y (default: ‘y’)
err_column – name of the column to be used as error on y (default: ‘yerr’)
poisson – if True, then the err_column is ignored and data are treated as Poisson distributed
- Returns:
a XYLike instance
- classmethod from_function(name: str, function: Function, x: ndarray, yerr: ndarray | None = None, exposure: float | None = None, **kwargs) XYLike [source]
Generate an XYLike plugin from an astromodels function instance
- Parameters:
name – name of plugin
function – astromodels function instance
x – where to simulate
yerr – y errors or None for Poisson data
kwargs – kwargs from xylike constructor
- Returns:
XYLike plugin
- classmethod from_text_file(name, filename) XYLike [source]
Instance the plugin starting from a text file generated with the .to_txt() method. Note that a more general way of creating a XYLike instance from a text file is to read the file using pandas.DataFrame.from_csv, and then use the .from_dataframe method of the XYLike plugin:
> df = pd.DataFrame.from_csv(filename, …) > xyl = XYLike.from_dataframe(“my instance”, df)
- Parameters:
name – the name for the new instance
filename – path to the file
- Returns:
- get_log_like() float [source]
Return the value of the log-likelihood with the current values for the parameters
- get_simulated_dataset(new_name: str | None = None) XYLike [source]
return a simulated XYLike plugin
- goodness_of_fit(n_iterations: int = 1000, continue_of_failure: bool = False)[source]
Returns the goodness of fit of the performed fit
- Parameters:
n_iterations – number of Monte Carlo simulations to generate
continue_of_failure – whether to continue or not if a fit fails (default: False)
- Returns:
tuple (goodness of fit, frame with all results, frame with all likelihood values)
- property has_errors: bool
- inner_fit() float [source]
This is used for the profile likelihood. Keeping fixed all parameters in the LikelihoodModel, this method minimize the logLike over the remaining nuisance parameters, i.e., the parameters belonging only to the model for this particular detector. If there are no nuisance parameters, simply return the logLike value.
- property is_poisson: bool
- property likelihood_model: Model
- set_model(likelihood_model_instance: Model) None [source]
Set the model to be used in the joint minimization. Must be a LikelihoodModel instance.
- Parameters:
likelihood_model_instance (astromodels.Model) – instance of Model
- to_csv(*args, **kwargs) None [source]
Save the data in a comma-separated-values file (CSV) file. All keywords arguments are passed to the pandas.DataFrame.to_csv method (see the documentation from pandas for all possibilities). This gives a very high control on the format of the output
All arguments are forwarded to pandas.DataFrame.to_csv
- Returns:
- to_dataframe() DataFrame [source]
Returns a pandas.DataFrame instance with the data in the ‘x’, ‘y’, and ‘yerr’ column. If the data are Poisson, the yerr column will be -99 for every entry
- Returns:
a pandas.DataFrame instance
- to_txt(filename: str) None [source]
Save the dataset in a text file. You can read the content back in a dataframe using:
> df = pandas.DataFrame.from_csv(filename, sep=’ ‘)
and recreate the XYLike instance as:
> xyl = XYLike.from_dataframe(df)
- Parameters:
filename – Name of the output file
- Returns:
- property x: ndarray
- property y: ndarray | None
- property yerr: ndarray | None